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Displaying posts with tag: AWS Aurora (reset)
Why You Should Consider an External Replica for Your Cloud Environment

In current times, there is a high degree of focus on ensuring the availability and recovery of your production data. This can be challenging at times when using DBaaS solutions in the public cloud space, for example, when using AWS Aurora. Relying solely on a single cloud provider for database services can pose significant risks. […]

Handling Bi-Directional Replication between Tungsten Clusters and AWS Aurora

Overview The Skinny

In this blog post, we explore the correct way to implement bi-directional Tungsten Replication between AWS Aurora and Tungsten Clustering for MySQL databases.

Background The Story

When we are approached by a prospect interested in using our solutions, we are proud of our pre-sales process by which that we engage at a very deep technical level to ensure the we provide the best possible solution to meet with the prospect’s requirements. This involves an in-depth hands-on POC, in addition to the significant time and effort we spend building and testing the solution architectures in our lab environment as part of the proposal process.

From time to time, we are presented with requirements that are not always quite so straight forward. Just recently we faced such a situation. A …

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New Webinar: Multi-Region AWS Aurora vs Continuent Tungsten for MySQL & MariaDB

We’re pleased to share our webinar “Multi-Region AWS Aurora vs Continuent Tungsten for MySQL & MariaDB”, recorded live on Thursday, April 18th, 2019.

Our colleague Matt Lang walks you through a comparison of building a global, multi-region MySQL / MariaDB / Percona cloud back-end using AWS Aurora versus Continuent Tungsten.

If you’d like to find out how multi-region AWS Aurora deployments can be improved – then this webinar is for you!

We hope you enjoy it!



Thursday, April 18th at 10am PST / 1pm EST / 4pm BST / 5pm CEST


Recording: follow this link to watch



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AWS Aurora Benchmarking part 2

Some time ago, I published the article on AWS Aurora Benchmarking (AWS Aurora Benchmarking – Blast or Splash?), in which I analyzed the behavior of different solutions using synchronous replication in AWS environment. This blog follows up with some of the comments and suggestions I received regarding that post from the community and Amazon engineers.

I decided to perform another round of tests, keeping in mind comments and suggestions received.

I presented some of the results during the Percona conference in Santa Clara last April 2016. The following is the transposition that presentation, with more details.

Not interested in the preliminary descriptions? Go to the results section

Why new tests?

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