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Displaying posts with tag: data visualization (reset)
Using Oracle Analytics Cloud with MySQL HeatWave

MySQL HeatWave is the MySQL DBaaS provided by Oracle in OCI and some other clouds. Compared to the vanilla MySQL, one of the key features of the service is that it allows you to run analytics queries (aka OLAP) very quickly using the HeatWave cluster. You can also run such queries on files using LakeHouse.

When we talk about analytics, we also think about data visualization solutions. In OCI, you can use Oracle Analytics Cloud.

In this article, we explore the procedure to establish a connection between Oracle Analytics Cloud (OAC) and a MySQL HeatWave DB instance within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI).

Deploying OAC

We consider that you already have a DB System up and running in OCI. The first step is then to deploy an Analytics …

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About Apache Superset with MySQL 8.0

Yesterday, I published an article explaining how to easily deploy Apache Superset on OCI using MySQL HeatWave Database Service.

There are some people not using the automation or not using MySQL HeatWave Database Service on OCI but want to still use Superset with MySQL 8.0.

In this blog, we will see how to fix eventual errors when performing the installation manually.

SQL Alchemy Dialect Configuration

When using MySQL 8.0, in Superset’s config file, you need to specify the SQLAlchemy URI like this:

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+mysqlconnector://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<superset_schema>'

It is important to specify the database backend and dialect: mysql+mysqlconnector.

Of course you need to install the MySQL …

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Apache Superset with MySQL HeatWave

We already saw how to deploy Apache Superset with MySQL HeatWave.

I just released a new version of the Terraform modules including some configuration parameters for a future development related to High Availability.

So let’s see the easiest way to deploy Superset on OCI using MySQL HeatWave.

Quick Deployment

The default deployment is the following:

The fastest and easiest way to deploy such architecture is to click on the button below:

When you click on the button, you will reach the following screen if you are …

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Poorman’s MySQL monitoring/trending

I could have also called this article When Pandas meet Dolphins in MySQL Shell.

Some time ago, I wrote a post related on how to collect initial relevant data when trying to seek help for MySQL.

Since then, the MySQL Shell engineering team implemented another powerful native utility that collect all the essential information and more and store them in a single zip file.

This zip archive contains TSV and YAML files that, for example, the MySQL Support Team could use to solve your eventual issue.

For more information regarding MySQL Shell’s util.debug.collectDiagnostics(), I encourage you to check the manual.

This tool is …

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Apache Zeppelin on Oracle Cloud with MySQL HeatWave

On the previous article we saw how to easily deploy Apache Zeppelin on OCI with MySQL using Terraform.

In this article we will see how we can accelerate queries enabling MySQL HeatWave.

Enabling HeatWave

If you used a MySQL Database Service Shape compatible with HeatWave (MySQL.HeatWave.VM.Standard.E3), using the same Resource Manager Stack, you have the possibility to enable HeatWave and deploy a HeatWave Cluster for your MySQL.

The first think to do, is to edit the previous applied stack:

As we used a HeatWave compatible shape, we have the choice to deploy a HeatWave Cluster and we can choose it:

Save and Apply… the HeatWave cluster will be added:

If you …

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Apache Zeppelin on OCI with MDS

Apache Zeppelin is a web-based notebook that enables data-driven,
 interactive data analytics, machine learning, and collaborative documents with SQL, Scala, Python, R.

Today we will see how we can deploy Apache Zeppelin on a Compute instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) using MySQL Database Service (MDS).

You can manually deploy a compute instance and install zeppelin on it then connect to MySQL Database Service or you can use the Terraform modules I’m sharing on GitHub:

Finally you can also deploy all this by just clicking on the follow button to use …

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Percona Live Europe Featured Talks: Visualize Your Data with Grafana Featuring Daniel Lee

Welcome to another post in our series of interview blogs for the upcoming Percona Live Europe 2017 in Dublin. This series highlights a number of talks that will be at the conference and gives a short preview of what attendees can expect to learn from the presenter.

This blog post is with Daniel Lee, a software developer at Grafana. His tutorial is Visualize Your Data With Grafana. This presentation teaches you how to create dashboards and graphs in Grafana and how to use them to gain insight into the behavior of your systems. In our conversation, we discussed how data visualization could benefit your database …

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The Conflicted Data Analyst

Inspired by a post from Juice Analytics.

We are a conflicted people. We love our TV and movie violence but worry that it ruins our children’s minds. We want to reduce healthcare costs, but don’t want to restrict the free market.

Conflicts like these leave little room for a satisfactory answer. Basic principles are in conflict and deeply-rooted desires run up against painful consequences. We

Broadband availability and speed visualized in new government map

Today, the United States Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) unveiled a new National Broadband Map, which can be viewed at

The map includes more than 25 million searchable records and it incorporates crowdsourced reporting. Built entirely upon Wordpress, the map is also one of the largest implementations of open source and open data in government to date.

Importantly, the data behind the map shows that despite an increase in broadband adoption to 68%, a digital divide persists between citizens who have full access to the rich media of the 2011 Internet and those who are limited by geography or means.

The launch of a national map of broadband Internet access fulfills a Congressional mandate created by the 2009 federal stimulus, which …

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