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Displaying posts with tag: Reports (reset)
Useful Reporting Queries for Your Business

I have rehashed a list of useful reporting queries from my blog which I hope people would find useful for their business or clients. These are not MySQL specific, by any means.


  • What is the total revenue (by segments)? - You are looking for 'peaks and troughs'. For example, found a peak season? you can plan better for it next year. Found an off-season? perhaps offer some deals for that period.
  • What is the total placed orders, completed orders and abandoned/uncompleted orders?
  • What is the total paid revenue vs outstanding orders? 
  • What is the total number of returned/cancelled orders and lost revenue from them?

Products (Best Sellers)

  • Which are the top 20% best selling products? (businesses love 80/20 comparisons and if you look at reports a lot, you will too)
  • Which are the products that our best customers keep …
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The Conflicted Data Analyst

Inspired by a post from Juice Analytics.

We are a conflicted people. We love our TV and movie violence but worry that it ruins our children’s minds. We want to reduce healthcare costs, but don’t want to restrict the free market.

Conflicts like these leave little room for a satisfactory answer. Basic principles are in conflict and deeply-rooted desires run up against painful consequences. We

Kontrollbase – graph “no data to display” on new install has been fixed

If you have been wondering why the overview and graphs pages say “no data to display” on the graphs when you first install Kontrollbase, it’s because there’s no data in the database being returned from the queries that generate the graphs – this is because a new install has no data to graph. This has […]

The Baden-Württemberg Brief
  • Two days in Frankfurt, two days in Munderkingen and two days in Heidelberg between December 5th and 17th. Mostly just ordinary working and travel days.
  • Visited Sandro Groganz of Init Marketing in Munderkingen. Worked from Sandro's house after a nice dinner on Sunday.
  • Caught up with (and was interviewed by) Rory MacDonald of Init Marketing while he was vacationing near Ulm. The interview was focused on Mozilla and should go online in the new year on
  • Visited Georg Richter of …
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