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Displaying posts with tag: devops (reset)
Import JSON to MySQL made easy with the MySQL Shell

The latest release of the MySQL Shell 8.0.13 (GA) introduced some interesting improvements and features, for more information see the full changelog here: One of those features was the introduction of a convenient and easy way to import JSON documents to a MySQL Server database.…

Reclaiming space on your Docker PMM server deployment

Recently we had a customer that had issues with a filled disk on the server hosting their Docker pmm-server environment. They were not able to access the web UI, or even stop the pmm-server container because they had filled the /var/ mount point.

Setting correct expectations

The best way to avoid these kinds of issues in the first place is to plan ahead, and to know exactly with what you are dealing with in terms of disk space requirements. Michael Coburn has written a great blogpost on this matter:

We are now using …

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MySQL InnoDB Cluster – What’s new in the 8.0.13 (GA) release

The MySQL Development Team is very happy to announce the second 8.0 Maintenance Release of InnoDB Cluster!

In addition to bug fixes, 8.0.13 brings some new exciting features:

  • Defining the next primary instance “in line”
  • Defining the behavior of a server whenever it drops out of the cluster
  • Improved command line integration for DevOps type usage

Here are the highlights of this release!…

Percona Live Europe Presents: Need for speed – Boosting Apache Cassandra’s performance using Netty

My talk is titled Need for speed: Boosting Apache Cassandra’s performance using Netty. Over the years that I have worked in the software industry, making code run fast has fascinated me. So, naturally when I first started contributing to Apache Cassandra, I started looking opportunities to improve its performance. My talk takes us through some interesting challenges within a distributed system like Apache Cassandra and various techniques to significantly improve its performance. Talking about performance is incredibly exciting because you can easily quantify and see the results. Making improvements to the database’s performance not only improves the user experience but also reflects positively on the organization’s bottom line. It also has the added …

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MySQL Shell 8.0.13 – What’s New?

The MySQL Development team is proud to announce a new version of the MySQL Shell which in addition to the usual bug fixes and enhancements to the existing components,  offers new features we expect are quite useful in your day to day work.…

Deploying MySQL on Kubernetes with a Percona-based Operator

In the context of providing managed WordPress hosting services, at Presslabs we operate with lots of small to medium-sized databases, in a DB-per-service model, as we call it. The workloads are mostly reads, so we need to efficiently scale that. The MySQL® asynchronous replication model fits the bill very well, allowing us to scale horizontally from one server—with the obvious availability pitfalls—to tens of nodes. The next release of the stack is going to be open-sourced.

As we were already using Kubernetes, we were looking for an operator that could automate our DB deployments and auto-scaling. Those available were doing synchronous replication using MySQL group replication or Galera-based replication. Therefore, we decided to write our own operator.

Solution architecture

The …

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Replicating data from MySQL to Oracle

In our work, We used to get a lot of requirements for replicating data from one data source to another.Previously I wrote replication from MySQL to Red-shift.

In this blog I am going to explain about replicating the data from MySQL to Oracle using Tungsten replicator.

1.0. Tungsten Replicator :

It is an open source replication engine supports data extract from MySQL, MySQL Variants such as RDS, Percona Server, MariaDB and Oracle and allows the data extracted to be applied on other data sources such as Vertica, Cassandra, Redshift etc.

Tungsten Replicator includes support for parallel replication, and advanced topologies such as fan-in and multi-master, and can be used efficiently in cross-site deployments.

1.1.0. Architecture :

There are three major …

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Releasing puppet-proxysql version 2.0.0

Everyone knows those situations where there is a task that you need to do and you want to do, but you just don’t come around to actually doing it. Well, for me, this new release was such a task.

Early in 2017, I released the first version of puppet-proxysql on GitHub. It was my first puppet-module release and I was quite proud of it. I had implemented types and providers for managing the ProxySQL resources such as mysql_user, mysql_servers, etc…

At Config Management Camp Gent (February 2017) I met Vox Pupuli, who is the group that forms the puppet-user-community. They picked up the responsibility of taking ownership of well-known modules that are left unmaintained or abandoned and/or modules that only had a single maintainer. The puppet-proxysql module was kind of the latter. Additionally, they …

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How To design a better Ansible Role for MySQL Environment ?

In our earlier stage of Ansible, we just wrote simple playbook and ad-hoc command with very long ansible hosts file. When we plan to use Ansible extensively in our daily production use case, we understand that simple playbooks don’t help to scale up to our expectation.

Even though we had options for separate variables, handlers and template files according to our requirements, this un-organized way didn’t help. It looked very messy and made me unhappy when I saw the code too.  That’s the place we decided to use Ansible Role.

My understanding of Ansible Roles?

The role is the primary mechanism for breaking a playbook into multiple files, we can simply refer to the Python Package. Roles help to group multiple tasks, Jinja2 template file, variable file and handlers into a clean directory structure. This will help us to reduce the syntax error while developing and also …

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Presentation : MySQL Load balancers and its solution

MySQL load balancers becomes a trend setters in Market for High availability and Scalability. They offer variety of solutions for database. What can be the best load balancer ? It varies from case to case. This presentation was made at Mydbops meetup on 04-08-2018 covers the basics of load balancers with their advantages/ disadvantages and use cases.

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