Last weekend, my brother and I attended SELF
2009. A few thoughts on it:
The mixture of sessions was interesting. There were some really
good ones. I think the best session I attended was an
OpenSolaris/NetBeans/Glassfish/Virtualbox/ZFS session, given by a
Sun employee. He was an excellent presenter, and really showed
off the strengths of the technologies in a nice way. He started
up enough VMs to make his OpenSolaris laptop chew into swap, and
I thought it was fun to see how it dealt with that. I’ve heard
Solaris and OpenSolaris do a lot better at avoiding and managing
swapping than GNU/Linux, but I couldn’t make any opinion from
watching. I did think it was odd to have this session at a
“Linux” (yes, they left off the GNU) conference. But I thought
the session was a good addition to the conference. In other
sessions, and in the hallways and expo, there was a lot more …
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