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FISL Preview - GlassFish, Hudson, Jersey, OpenSSO, OpenDS and more...

The 10th FISL starts this week. Like previous years, it looks like a lot of fun: the Program is full of good content, and there is also Porto Alegre... FISL starts on the 24th and it is preceded by Javali, an event focused on Java, on the 23rd (Agenda).

I did a quick pass through the FISL program to highlight some sessions, including those related to GlassFish Projects and friends:

• Arun on …

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OpenDS, the Java OpenSource LDAP Server - This Week's Webinar

This week's webinar is on OpenDS, the Open Source Java LDAP server that is at the core of the next generation for Sun's market leading DSEE Product. Ludovic will provide an overview of the project including the recent developments on the v2 release. The presentation on Thursday, April 23rdh, 11am US Pacific, at TheAquarium Channel. Full details (and recordings) at the …

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GlassFish and More at MySQL Users Conference

Mon-Thu I'll be attending the MySQL User's Conference here in Santa Clara. The tone of the conference is noticeably different to that of its (even larger) sibling JavaOne in San Francisco, and the topics are very grounded in the practical needs of the Users of the technology. There are many very interesting talks, below is a small selection extracted from my Personal Schedule.

Starting with those related to topics we normally cover here: Several BOFs: …

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JRuby for Java Skeptics, GAP in Sao Paolo, Brazil, OpenSSO, OpenDS and GF, MySQL Users Conference

A compilation of today's news of interest:

From Ruby-land, Zargony is warming up to JRbuy and explains Why I'm starting to like JRuby even though I dislike Java. And Arun writes a short list of the Advantages of JRuby over MRI.

We have been sending notifications to GAP (the GlassFish Awards Program) for a while but on MOnday we had a …

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