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Displaying posts with tag: jersey (reset)
TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

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TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

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TOTD #150: Collection of GlassFish, NetBeans, JPA, JSF, JAX-WS, EJB, Jersey, MySQL, Rails, Eclipse, and OSGi tips

This is the 150th tip published on this blog so decided to make it a collection of all the previous ones. Here is a tag cloud (created from from title of all the tips:

As expected GlassFish is the most prominent topic. And then there are several entries on NetBeans, JRuby/Rails, several Java EE 6 technologies like JPA, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, EJB, and JSF, and more entries on Eclipse, OSGi and some other tecnhologies too. Here is a complete collection of all the tips published so far:

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CLI, Roller, Jersey, JavaOne... and More GlassFish News - April 27th, 2010

Install and Run Apache Roller 4.01 on GlassFish and OpenSolaris
Dave Koelmeyer has posted Detailed Instructions on how to install Apache Roller 4.01 on GlassFish v2.1 using MySQL 5.1 for storage.  He uses OpenSolaris snv_134, the subject of a tea-leaf-reading thread.

Slides and Code Samples on Jersey and JAX-RS
The Slides and code from Paul Sandoz's presentation at Presentation at AlpesJug on Jersey, JAX-RS and Atmosphere are now  …

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FISL Preview - GlassFish, Hudson, Jersey, OpenSSO, OpenDS and more...

The 10th FISL starts this week. Like previous years, it looks like a lot of fun: the Program is full of good content, and there is also Porto Alegre... FISL starts on the 24th and it is preceded by Javali, an event focused on Java, on the 23rd (Agenda).

I did a quick pass through the FISL program to highlight some sessions, including those related to GlassFish Projects and friends:

• Arun on …

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REST and Comet... on GlassFish Server

Carol had previously (in July) posted an example of a SlideShow Using Comet; now she and Rick have a refined and expanded version where they provide more details, including screenshots, and also have modified the implemetantation so they NetBeans for development, MySQL and JPA for data presistence, Grizzly for Comet support, Jersey (JAX-RS) for the REST end-points, and …

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Week Highlights - CommunityOne, Awards, Jersey, Hudson, MySQL, Liferay...

News Summary - Jan 27th to Feb 3rd, 2008

• Community -

Last Call for CommunityOne!


Awards Program

&bull Hudson -

News Roundup

• Web Services -

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RESTful representation of "sakila" using GlassFish and NetBeans IDE

"sakila" is the sample database shipped with MySQL (pronounced as my ess-kew-ell). In the context of Sun Microsystems announcing the agreement to acquire MySQL, I'd like to dedicate this entry to show how this sample database can be exposed as a RESTful Web service endpoint and deployed on GlassFish using Jersey Tooling Plugin (0.4.1 with Jersey 0.4) in NetBeans IDE.

Lets get started!

  1. Install MySQL & …
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Showing entries 1 to 8