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Displaying posts with tag: Grid Control (reset)
Announcement: Release 1.1.2 of MySQL Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g/11g

This release is just a quick bug fix release of an older 1.1.1 version of the plug-in. It’s long overdue but I’ve managed to fix “” problem only couple weeks ago. I’ve distributed the new version to the folks who have reached out to me by email of via blog reporting the issue in the [...]

Pythian Speaking at Oracle OpenWorld 2011

Pythian is pleased to announce our speaking schedule at this year’s Oracle OpenWorld 2011, October 2-6, 2011 in San Francisco, CA.

We’re excited to be joined by our customers Western Union, and Worldwide Technologies (WWT) as we present real-world experiences and project success. If you’re attending, don’t miss the chance to hear our team of experts. Bring your toughest questions to be answered as they relate to any of the subjects below.

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Stop looking for Oracle Fusion and Oracle Grid Control documentation: use the dbi services firefox add-ons!

After my last post title "Stop looking for Oracle and MySQL documentation: use the dbi services firefox add-ons!" Some of you asked me for firefox search add-ons for Oracle Fusion Middleware ( This add-on will provide you a fast a reliable way to find easily what you are looking for in the official oracle documentation.

Oracle Open World — Public Voting is Open

No doubt you want to cast you first vote for my abstract — Developing Plug-ins for Oracle Enterprise Manager by example :)

Every Oracle professional knows about Oracle Enterprise Manager’s extensive monitoring capability for Oracle products. However, only few realize that Oracle Enterprise Manager can be easily extended thanks to its Extensibility framework.

This presentation starts with an introduction of Enterprise Manager’s Extensibility features and walks the audience through the basics of creating a new plug-in. This session will also demonstrate some proven plug-in development steps based on the experience gained from developing MySQL management …

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MySQL Management Plug-in and Grid Control Extensibility at Oracle Open World 2008?

In case you are attending Oracle Open World 2008, the biggest Oracle conference in the world, and interested in either (or both) MySQL or Oracle Enterprise Manager Extensibility — I posted a proposal for a new presentation:

Extending Oracle Enterprise Manager by Example — Creating MySQL Management Plug-In

I’ve started looking into Oracle extensibility several years ago and since then I’ve seen lots of improvements in Extensibility Guide and many new plug-ins have seen the light of the day. However, creating a new plug-in is still considered to be something special and not available to mere mortals.
In this presentation we will see how easy it is to create a new plug-in. What are the steps …

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MySQL plug-in 1.1 for Oracle 10g Grid Control

It’s been a while since the MySQL Management Plug-in 0.42 was released. Since then, I quietly updated it to version 1.0. The changes were very few; the biggest news was that the plug-in was certified by Oracle and added to OTN Oracle 10g Grid Control Extensions Exchange (see at the bottom).

I think the next version is due, as a few people have come back to me with some issues. The biggest was compatibility with Windows. Since I used the command line MySQL client, *nix and Windows shell incompatibilities were a major headache to solve, and I still couldn’t make it work reliably. I wanted to use DBI and DBD:MySQL, but it required installing and compiling Perl packages, which makes the deployment process very …

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MySQL Plug-in for Oracle Grid Control Announced, Released

Hello everyone,

Reading PlanetMySQL today, I discovered that Alex Gorbachev’s announcement that he has released the first public beta of his Oracle Grid Control plugin for MySQL was not aggregated! This is probably because Alex is primarily working on our Oracle space and so his feed isn’t on planet.

This plugin has been under development since 2006 and this is a major achievement.

Knowing that my feed is aggregated, and not willing to let this news and this amazing work go unnoticed by the MySQL community during the conference (I am at MySQLConf listening to’s CTO speak right now!)

In any event, if you missed them inline up there, here’s …

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MySQL Plug-in 0.42 for Oracle Grid Control: First Beta Released

It has finally happened! The first public release of the MySQL plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control is out.

It’s been a while since I first started to work on this, first as part of the Grid Control Extensibility article that I wrote for IOUG SELECT Magazine in 2006 (thanks to John Kanagaraj for encouraging me to write it), and then later as part of a demo for my

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