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Displaying posts with tag: Oracle Enterprise Manager (reset)
Announcement: Release 1.1.2 of MySQL Plug-in for Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g/11g

This release is just a quick bug fix release of an older 1.1.1 version of the plug-in. It’s long overdue but I’ve managed to fix “” problem only couple weeks ago. I’ve distributed the new version to the folks who have reached out to me by email of via blog reporting the issue in the [...]

Collaborate 2012 Registration is Now Open!   Double Down at COLLABORATE 12- The IOUG Forum with Two Ways to Save- and a Chance to Win! The user-driven Oracle event of the year is fast-approaching, and IOUG wants you to make youreducational experience a sure bet. Between … Continue reading →

Oracle Open World — Public Voting is Open

No doubt you want to cast you first vote for my abstract — Developing Plug-ins for Oracle Enterprise Manager by example :)

Every Oracle professional knows about Oracle Enterprise Manager’s extensive monitoring capability for Oracle products. However, only few realize that Oracle Enterprise Manager can be easily extended thanks to its Extensibility framework.

This presentation starts with an introduction of Enterprise Manager’s Extensibility features and walks the audience through the basics of creating a new plug-in. This session will also demonstrate some proven plug-in development steps based on the experience gained from developing MySQL management …

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?Gatekeepers of the Datacenter? vs. Freedom of choice in IT

I’ve written in the past about how enterprise management vendors can act as “Gatekeepers of the Datacenter” by virtue of what technologies they do or don’t support as part of their management solutions. This rather lame dynamic is a big part of the reason why a lot of otherwise great technologies dont make it all the way into the traditional enterprise.

The problem gets further compounded when one of these “Gatekeepers” is also a platform or stack vendor. See, it’s hard to resist the temptation of delivering the absolute best management for IBM products from a Tivoli solution while shortchanging non-IBM ones. Or, to lay this on one of the aspiring members of the big 4… how about getting support for SQL Server on Oracle’s Enterprise Manager. Hmmm… I’m gonna guess it sucks because Oracle wants you using their database. Besides, who uses OEM that isnt already an Oracle db customer?

Lucky for us, Hyperic has always …

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