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Displaying posts with tag: infinidb (reset)
InfinDB Extent Maps saving I/O

InfiniDB uses Extent Maps to retrieve data. Data is stored in extents and each extent is a logical block of space that holds the same number of rows.

The Extent Map catalogs all extents and their corresponding blocks. The Extent Map also maintains minimum and maximum values for a column’s data within an extent.

The Extent Map lets InfiniDB to retrieve only the blocks needed to satisfy a query. There is another benefit – that of logical range partitioning. This is accomplished via the minimum and maximum values for each extent that are contained within the Extent Map. Extent elimination is first accomplished in InfiniDB via the column-oriented architecture (only needed columns are scanned), but the process is accelerated because of the logical horizontal partitioning that is implemented in the Extent Map. So only the needed sections of the column are read. …

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InfiniDB Alpha 1.1.2 on 64-bit Windows and MySQL Workbench

This week has been rough on my computers and I had to reinstall Vista on my main Windows system. But being a 'glass half full' guy, I took it as an opportunity to load the new alphas for both InfiniDB and MySQl Workbench.

I downloaded the InfiniDB software from and Workbench from respectively. In stalled them in that order and started the database and then Workbench.

I was expecting to have to fiddle with configuring one or the other to get them to work together. But I received a delightful surprise. Both worked out of the chute with no customization. Congratulations to the folks writing the install scripts at both companies!

Getting started with InfiniDB Part I

My new job with Calpont has me scrambling to learn all the facets of the InfiniDB storage engine. For those of you new to the scene, InfiniDB is column-orientated as opposed to row-orientated and is designed for data warehouses and business intelligence. Most MySQL DBAs are probably not used to thinking sideways and hopefully this series of postings will change that.

To make things interesting, I am using real data from BP's Statistical Review of World Energy 2009. The data is a historical information on various forms of energy. And it is free to download and comes in Excel workbook format. I wanted data that was unfamiliar to me and in a format that would be commonly used in a BI setting.

The first step is to obtain and install the …

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No North Texas Users Group Meeting in May, new job

There will not be a May meeting of the North Texas MySQL Users Group but I am scrambling to get us a great location for the June meeting. I have left my Job with MySQL/Sun/Oracle and am no longer responsible for MySQL Certifications. That means my access to the Sun office were we have been meeting is ended also.

I am now the Customer Service Manager for Calpont and the InfiniDB storage engine. InfiniDB is column based, multi-threaded, and the community edition is open source. If you run intensive reports against InnoDB or MyIsam databases, you need to investigate this product. And if you regularly run massive queries in data warehousing or business analytic operation that you need to see how the massively parallel process architecture of the enterprise product can make life easier.

Log Buffer #182, a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

This is the 182nd edition of Log Buffer, the weekly review of database blogs. Make sure to read the whole edition so you do not miss where to submit your SQL limerick!

This week started out with me posting about International Women’s Day, and has me personally attending Confoo (Montreal) which is an excellent conference I hope to return to next year. I learned a lot from confoo, especially the blending nosql and sql session I attended.

This week was also the Hotsos Symposium. …

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InfiniDB gets the release process right

InfiniDB has a sensible Enterprise/Community release process, which seems similar to what I suggested for MySQL. Its simplicity also stands in stark contrast to MySQL’s new release policy, which is hard to understand and has been confusing people.

Related posts:

  1. Thank you for the MySQL 5.4 Community Release MySQL 5.4
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451 CAOS Links 2010.02.02

Oracle’s plans for Sun’s OSS. The UK’s updated OSS strategy. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

Oracle’s plans for Sun’s OSS
# Oracle’s MySQL strategy slide.

# eWeek reported that database thought leaders are divided on Oracle MySQL.

# Savio Rodrigues and Computerworld on Oracle’s plans for MySQL, other open source assets.

# Zack Urlocker is leaving Oracle/Sun/MySQL.

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InfiniDB test scripts updated to include HAVING tests

With the release of InfiniDB that includes HAVING functionality, the test scripts have been updated to include HAVING tests as well.  Updated UNION tests and RENAME tests have also been included.  You may download these new test scripts here.

InfiniDB test scripts updated to include HAVING tests

With the release of InfiniDB that includes HAVING functionality, the test scripts have been updated to include HAVING tests as well.  Updated UNION tests and RENAME tests have also been included.  You may download these new test scripts here.

451 CAOS Links 2009.10.30

Government adoption. Financial results. New funding. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

For the latest on Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL via Sun, see Everything you always wanted to know about MySQL but were afraid to ask

Government approval
The US Department of Defense issued guidance on the adoption of open source software, while ComputerWorld reported that the U.S Department of Defense has open-sourced an …

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