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Comparing MySQL to Vertica Replication under MemCloud, AWS and Bare Metal

Back in December, I did a detailed analysis for getting data into Vertica from MySQL using Tungsten Replicator, all within the Kodiak MemCloud.

I got some good numbers towards the end – 1.9 million rows/minute into Vertica. I did this using a standard replicator deployment, plus some tweaks to the Vertica environment. In particular:

  • Integer hash for a partition for both the staging and base tables
  • Some tweaks to the queries to ensure that we used the partitions in the most efficient manner
  • Optimized the batching within the applier to hit the right numbers for the transaction counts

That last one is a bit of a cheat because in a real-world situation it’s much harder to be able to identify those transaction sizes and row counts, but for testing, we’re trying to get the best performance!

Next what I wanted to do was set up some bare metal and AWS servers that were of an …

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MariaDB to Hadoop in Spanish

Nicolas Tobias has written an awesome guide to setting up replication from MariaDB to Hadoop/HDFS using Tungsten Replicator, in Spanish! He’s planning more of these so if you like what you see, please let him know!

Semana santa y yo con nuevas batallas que contar.
Me hayaba yo en el trabajo, pensando en que iba a invertir la calma que acompa;a a los dias de vacaciones que libremente podemos elegir trabajar y pense: No seria bueno terminar esa sincronizacion entre los servidores de mariaDB y HIVE?

Ya habia buscado algo de info al respecto en Enero hasta tenia una PoC montada con unas VM que volvi a encender, pero estaba todo podrido: no arrancaba, no funcionba ni siquiera me acordaba como lo habia hecho y el history de la shell er un galimatias. Decidi que si lo rehacia todo desde cero iba a poder dejarlo escrito en un playbook y ademas, aprenderlo y automatizarlo hasta el limite de poder desplegar de forma automatica on …

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Where is the Language Data?


Oklahoma City MySQL Group Forming


Replicating Oracle Webinar Question Follow-up

We had really great webinar on Replicating to/from Oracle earliest this month, and you can view the recording of that Webinar here.

A good sign of how great a Webinar was is the questions that come afterwards, and we didn’t get through them all. so here are all the questions and answers for the entire webinar.

Q: What is the overhead of Replicator on source database with asynchronous CDC?

A: With asynchronous operation there is no substantial CPU overhead (as with synchronous), but the amount of generated redo logs becomes bigger requiring more disk space and better log management to ensure that the space is used effectively.

Q: Do you support migration from Solaris/Oracle to Linux/Oracle?

A: The replication is not certified for use on Solaris, however, it is possible to …

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A New Home for Tungsten in the UK

I was suitably heartened to hear about the new mine opening up in the Devon here in the UK to mine the element Tungsten.

I comment on this to my associates at Continuent, where comments were made by Csaba as to the appropriate quotes in the article:

“Tungsten is an extraordinary metal.”

“It’s almost as hard as a diamond and has one of the highest melting points of any mineral.”

“Adding a small amount to steel makes it far harder, far more resistant to stress and heat. The benefits to industry are obvious.”

Leading to him to suggest Adding a small amount of Tungsten to MySQL makes it far harder, far more resistant to stress and failures. The benefits to industry are obvious.

I couldn’t possibly agree more!


Filed under: …

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Revisiting ZFS and MySQL

While at Percona Live this year I was reminded about ZFS and running MySQL on top of a ZFS-based storage platform.

Now I’m a big fan of ZFS (although sadly I don’t get to use it as much as I used to after I shutdown my home server farm), and I did a lot of different testing back while at MySQL to ensure that MySQL, InnoDB and ZFS worked correctly together.

Of course today we have a completely new range of ZFS compatible environments, not least of which are FreeBSD and ZFS on Linux, I think it’s time to revisit some of my original advice on using this combination.

Unfortunately the presentations and MySQL University sessions back then have all been taken down. But that doesn’t mean the advice is any less valid.

Some of the core advice for using InnoDB on ZFS:

  • Configure a single InnoDB tablespace, rather than configuring multiple tablespaces …
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MySQL Switch project


You upgraded to > 5.1 but did you turn on performance_schema?


Percona Live – MySQL Conference


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