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Displaying posts with tag: rhel (reset)
Public DNS resolve for VM instances hosted at OpenStack nova compute grizzly edition

Issue – the OpenStack instances hostnames are not resolved at the moment by their floating IPs.

Fast solution – use PowerDNS
Short story:
1. Boot an instance , assign it a floating IP, open tcp ports 22 8001 and udp port 53.
2. Install PowerDNS, the particular yum package is named pdns.
3. install the mysql backend for PowerDNS, its available as yum package as well.
4. Install MariaDB , set the proper configuration, the initialize it at the default location.
5. Set the pdns user, create the pdns database and create the tables needed.
6. Configure the pdns service to use the gmysql backend.
7. Create and user at the OpenStack MySQL able to connect from the floating IP subnet.
8. Grant that user select permissions on all nova.* tables.
9. At the PowerDNS instance, set simple python / php / bash script to query the nova database and to inject the hostnames and the …

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Some MariaDB related news from the Red Hat front

This is a followup to my early post a month ago titled: MariaDB replaces MySQL in RHEL 7 (lots of stuff in the comments). It’s clear that MariaDB’s role is in Software Collections, which is new in RHEL.

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols writes Red Hat will switch from Oracle MySQL to MariaDB, reports.

Sean Michael Kerner has a video (and writeup) with Denise Dumas, RHEL team leader, who talks about Software Collections, MariaDB, and how we’re all friendly …

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On operating system upgrades and a packager’s nightmare

A fairy tale

Once upon a time I did an operating system upgrade, a minor one that should do no harm, but just get me up to date by fixing any bugs in the version I had been using. It seemed like a good idea.

All seemed to be fine. I use a package provided by an external vendor and not the one produced by the operating system provider as this vendor provides a newer version of the package and I need that. The vendor has to make his package fit in the os environment his package is built for and normally does a pretty good job.

I use automation to build my systems and when I built a new one some issues appeared. Related to the new version of the OS the provider had enhanced one of his packages and the installation pulled in new dependencies. The install of the external package I use then broke as it conflicted with the new dependency provided by the OS.  While a workaround is possible: uninstall …

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MariaDB replaces MySQL in RHEL7

Subject says its all, this is of course, very good news coming out of the Red Hat Summit. Looking forward to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. And of course, CentOS 7 and the other builds that follow. Thank you Red Hat!

MariaDB replaces MySQL in RHEL 7. Glad to see that. #rhsummit

— Major Hayden (@majorhayden) June 12, 2013

at #rhsummit , rhel7 will come without mysql as it will be replaced with mariaDB; which is mysql api compatible. it will include mongodb too

— John Fulton (@fultonj) June 12, 2013

Related posts:

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Migrating MySQL 5.5.25a jiradb ERROR 2013 (HY000) on huge single db import

well, I incremented max_allowed_packet from 16M to 512M
anyway, I got the same error on the next clean import.
so decided to find a workaround.
so, how to get the data separated from the ddl statements:

# get the tables names into the insert statement, its better to have that in file for future usage
sed '/^INSERT INTO/!d;s/ VALUES.*$//' jiradb.20130118.sql | sort | uniq > tablas.como.nombres.txt

then how to get the data separated:

root@jiragg:[Fri Jan 18 15:26:33]:[/usr/local/BACKUP]$ cat
# trim function thank to
# and
trim() {
    local var=$1
    var="${var#"${var%%[![:space:]]*}"}"   # remove leading whitespace characters
    var="${var%"${var##*[![:space:]]}"}"   # remove trailing whitespace characters
    echo -n "$var"

while read tabname
do …
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Install MySQL at non default data directory on different drive on CentOS6.3/RHEL 6

We assume the new disk is /dev/sdb1 formatted as ext3
and it will be mounted as /data

# 0. make sure there is no mysqlm mysql data directory :
yum remove mysql mysql-server -y 
test -d /data/mysql/ && rm -rf /data/mysql/
test -d /var/lib/mysql/ && rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/

# 1. install Mysql
yum install mysql mysql-server -y

# 2. check the mysql  status
service mysqld status

# 3. start the mysqld if not started
service mysqld start

# 4. check the mysql status again
service mysqld status

# 5. stop mysqld in case its started, and check thre is n mysql process:
service mysqld stop
ps axu | grep mysql

# 6. make sure the /data partition is added to the /etc/fstab. If not add it:
test  `cat  /etc/fstab | grep /data | wc -l ` -eq 0  && echo "/dev/sdb1 /data ext3  defaults 1 1" >>  /etc/fstab

# 7. make sure the /data partition is mounted, 
test  `cat /proc/mounts  | grep /data | grep -v grep | wc -l` -eq 0 && mount /data

# 8. disable selinx …
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Log Buffer #279, A Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

In a typical organization, all work together to bring out a common good for the outside world. It’s interesting to see how all of these entities blog about technology, and there is more and more interest shown by managerial technologists about the database. This Log Buffer Edition appeases their appetites along with the others in [...]

451 CAOS Links 2011.12.09

Funding for BlazeMeter and Digital Reasoning. Red Hat goes unstructured. And more.

# BlazeMeter announced $1.2m in Series A funding and launched the a cloud service for load and performance testing.

# Digital Reasoning announced a second round of funding to help develop its Hadoop-based analytics offering.

# Red Hat announced the availability of Red Hat Storage Software Appliance, based on its recent acquisition of Gluster.

# Red Hat also …

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Got open source cloud storage? Red Hat buys Gluster

Red Hat’s $136m acquisition of open source storage vendor Gluster marks Red Hat’s biggest buy since JBoss and starts the fourth quarter with a very intersting deal. The acquisition is definitely good for Red Hat since it bolsters its Cloud Forms IaaS and OpenShift PaaS technology and strategy with storage, which is often the starting point for enterprise and service provider cloud computing deployments. The acquisition also gives Red Hat another weapon in its fight against VMware, Microsoft and others, including OpenStack, of which Gluster is a member (more on that further down). The deal is also good for Gluster given the sizeable price Red Hat is paying for the provider of open source, software-based, scale-out storage for unstructured data and also as validation of both open source and software in today’s IT and cloud computing storage.

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Open Query looking for new colleagues!

My colleagues and I are looking for extra talent – is that you?

What we do:help clients prevent problems (rather than being the fire department), we work on a subscription basis although we also do some ad-hoc consulting, and training. Apart from MySQL/MariaDB query and DBA work, we do quite a bit of system administration. Mainly Red Hat and Debian based distros, and expect to see replication and the MySQL-MMM multi-master system. You’d work from home, whereever it might be, so you will need to be self-motivating (but we do keep in touch online).

What we’re not: a full-time employer. With us, you make a life rather than a living. Everybody is contracted part-time. You can make enough to live comfortably, but that has nothing to do with hours. If you’re stressed about not filling all hours in your week with work-work-work, we’re not the company for you… there’s more to life than …

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