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Install MySQL at non default data directory on different drive on CentOS6.3/RHEL 6

We assume the new disk is /dev/sdb1 formatted as ext3
and it will be mounted as /data

# 0. make sure there is no mysqlm mysql data directory :
yum remove mysql mysql-server -y 
test -d /data/mysql/ && rm -rf /data/mysql/
test -d /var/lib/mysql/ && rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/

# 1. install Mysql
yum install mysql mysql-server -y

# 2. check the mysql  status
service mysqld status

# 3. start the mysqld if not started
service mysqld start

# 4. check the mysql status again
service mysqld status

# 5. stop mysqld in case its started, and check thre is n mysql process:
service mysqld stop
ps axu | grep mysql

# 6. make sure the /data partition is added to the /etc/fstab. If not add it:
test  `cat  /etc/fstab | grep /data | wc -l ` -eq 0  && echo "/dev/sdb1 /data ext3  defaults 1 1" >>  /etc/fstab

# 7. make sure the /data partition is mounted, 
test  `cat /proc/mounts  | grep /data | grep -v grep | wc -l` -eq 0 && mount /data

# 8. disable selinx …
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CAOS Theory Podcast 2010.11.12

Topics for this podcast:

*Our latest CAOS Special Report – Control and Community
*Red Hat releases RHEL 6
*Symbian and Oracle highlight community challenges
*The latest on government adoption of OSS from GOSCON
*Open core issue continues, now with Linux and evil twins

iTunes or direct download (31:02, 8.5MB)

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