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Displaying posts with tag: pitr (reset)
MySQL Server on Microsoft Azure 3rd part (backup and recovery)

Azure Database for MySQLIntroduction

This blog is the third chapter related to deploying a MySQL infrastructure on the Azure cloud. In addition to performance, we should indeed also consider backup and restore capabilities. The objective of this blog is to present the main backup and restore possibilities offered by Azure through a simple example and show a second backup/restore possibility using MySQL Shell dump utilities.

Backup window and mechanism

Flexible Azure for MySQL generates by default a 7 days server backup retention period. This retention period can be extended up to 35 days or shorten to 1 day. In addition we can decide if you want to have a Geo Redundant backup storage. By default the backups are locally redundant.

It’s important to understand that Azure makes backup of the …

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Percona XtraBackup Point-In-Time Recovery for the Single Database

Recovering to a particular time in the past is called Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR). With PITR you can rollback unwanted DELETE without WHERE clause or any other harmful command.

PITR with Percona XtraBackup is pretty straightforward and perfectly described in the user manual. You need to restore the data from the backup, then apply all binary logs created or updated after the backup was taken, but skip harmful event(s).

However, if your data set is large you may want to recover only the affected database or table. This is possible but you need to be smart when filtering events from the binary log. In this post, I will show how to perform such a partial recovery using Percona XtraBackup, …

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MySQL PITR The Fastest Way With DevOps

Point In Time Recovery - is a nightmare for DBAs if the MySQL clusters are self managed. It was 10PM, after had my dinner I was simply watching some shows in YouTube. And my phone was ringing, the customer on other side. Due to some bad queries, one of the main table get updated without where clause. Then suddenly everyone joined the call and asking me to bring the data back. That day it took 6 to 8 Hours to bring the data. Yes, every DBAs will do one or two biggest mistakes. In my carrier I would say this was that day. So here is my MySQL PITR the fastest way with DevOps.

Where I failed in this DR setup?

  • PITR starts with last full backup + binlogs
  • I missed in my backup script to add --master-data, So I don’t know how to start applying binlogs.
  • No Delay replica. I got the call within 10mins when the data has been messed up. But all of my replicas are real time sync. Its affected all of …
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MySQL Single Table Point-In-Time Recovery

In this blog post, I’ll look at how to execute a MySQL single table Point-In-Time Recovery.

I recently wrote a blog post describing a different way of doing Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR). If you want to know the step by step, please visit the mentioned blog post. Here is a quick summary of the approach:

  1. Restore the backup on the desired server
  2. Create a fake master
  3. Copy all relevant binlogs to the fake master
  4. Configure server from the first step as a slave from a fake master

In addition to the above steps, there is a similar approach …

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InnoDB Cluster: setting up Production… for disaster! (2/2)

Ok, so now we’re got our InnoDB Cluster a-clustering, MySQL Router a-routing, now we need some disaster to be a-disaster-recovering…

A foreword first.

If you’re looking to use Enterprise Backup to recover a single node and restore that node back into an existing InnoDB Cluster, LeFred takes you through that one nicely here.

Preparing for backup

On our single primary server, the one that allows write, which was ic2/ in my case:

mysql -uroot -poracle << EOF 
SET sql_log_bin = OFF; 
 create user 'backup'@'%' identified by 'oracle';
 grant all on *.* to 'backup'@'%';
SET sql_log_bin = ON; 

Let’s create something to backup (if you haven’t already done so of course):

mysqlsh --uri …
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InnoDB Cluster: setting up Production… for disaster! (1/2)

Want to setup InnoDB Cluster and be prepared for a Disaster Recovery scenario? Get ready:

Here’s a way to set up InnoDB Cluster using the 3 environments, on Oracle Linux 7.2, 5.7.19 MySQL Commercial Server, MySQL Shell 8.0.3 DMR, MySQL Router. As this is the first blog post for a complete disaster recovery scenario of InnoDB Cluster, we’ll also be installing MySQL Enterprise Backup.

If you’re new to InnoDB Cluster then I’d highly recommend looking at the following to understand how it works and what Group Replication, Shell & Router are.:

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MySQL Point in Time Recovery the Right Way

In this blog, I’ll look at how to do MySQL point in time recovery (PITR) correctly.

Sometimes we need to restore from a backup, and then replay the transactions that happened after the backup was taken. This is a common procedure in most disaster recovery plans, when for example you accidentally drop a table/database or run an update/delete without the “where” clause and lose data.

The usual way is to get a copy of your binlogs and use mysqlbinlog to replay those transactions. But this approach has many pitfalls that can make the whole PITR process a nightmare. Some examples:

  • You need to make sure to run a single mysqlbinlog command with all related binlogs, and pipe them to mysql at once. Otherwise, if binlog.000001 creates a temporary table, and …
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MySQL Bug 72804 Workaround: “BINLOG statement can no longer be used to apply query events”

In this blog post, we’ll look at a workaround for MySQL bug 72804.

Recently I worked on a ticket where a customer performed a point-in-time recovery PITR using a large set of binary logs. Normally we handle this by applying the last backup, then re-applying all binary logs created since the last backup. In the middle of the procedure, their new server crashed. We identified the binary log position and tried to restart the PITR from there. However, using the option


, the restore failed with the error “The BINLOG statement of type Table_map was not preceded by a format description BINLOG statement.” This is a known bug and is reported as MySQL …

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MEB copies binary logs and relay logs to support PITR and cloning of master/slave

With MySQL Enterprise Backup(MEB) 3.9.0 we had introduced full instance backup feature for cloning the MySQL server. Now with MEB 3.11.0 we have enhanced the feature by copying all the master-slave setup files like MySQL server binary logs(will be referred as 'binlogs'), binary log index files, relay logs of slave, relay log index files, master info of slave, slave info files. As part of full instance backup, copying of binlog files is default behavior MEB-3.11.0 onwards. DBA should be aware of the fact that current full instance backup is bigger than the backups with old MEB's.

As every event on MySQL production database goes as a entry to binlog files in particular format, binlog files could be huge. Backing of huge binlog and/or relaylog files should not impact the performance of MySQL server. Hence, all the binlog files, …

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MySQL Enterprise Backup: PITR Partial Online Recovery

Here’s a look at using MySQL Enterprise Backup in a specific example:

Consider a Backup Policy – Full Backup of the environment. – Complemental Incremental backups & online BinLogs. And the Restore: – Logical Restore. – Online, Zero impact. – Partial, single database, group of tables. The Backup A working environment, with 4 databases, of which 2 will require restoration. Full backup with MySQL Enterprise Backup:

mysqlbackup --user=root --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock \
  --backup-dir=/home/mysql/voju5/backup/ \
  --with-timestamp backup

Test preparation Create 4 different databases, where the structure & content is the same.

create database v5_1; use v5_1; create table `voju5` (
  `Name` char(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '‘,
create database v5_2; use v5_2; create table `voju5` (..);
create database v5_3; use v5_3; create …
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