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Displaying posts with tag: mysql tools (reset)
SQL Server vs MySQL: Difference, Performance, and Features

In the ever-evolving world of database management systems, SQL Server and MySQL stand as two of the most popular and widely-used solutions. Both platforms offer robust features and reliable performance, but which one is the right choice for your needs?

The post SQL Server vs MySQL: Difference, Performance, and Features appeared first on Devart Blog.

MySQL LIKE Operator: 7 Examples and Best Practices

We have been talking about different MySQL operators in their guises for quite a while now: along with WHERE condition or SELECT statement, you name it. Now, the time to shine has come for the LIKE conditional operator used to search for patterns in strings with the help of wildcard characters. In this article, we will provide the basic syntax for using LIKE, along with illustrated examples of how to apply it in queries using one of the best MySQL IDEs on the market — dbForge Studio for MySQL.

The post MySQL LIKE Operator: 7 Examples and Best Practices appeared first on Devart Blog.

Synopsis of Mydbops 20th edition of MyWebinar

Thank you to everyone who joined us for the 20th edition of MyWebinar. We hope that our time together helped to elevate and seam your work to perfection. We’re committed to giving back to the opensource database community in the coming days by presenting more LIVE events.

Monu Mahto, Database Consultant from Mydbops was successful in making this event more interactive, engaging, and, most importantly, productive for the audience. Thank you for your continuous contribution to the opensource community.

Topic: MySQL Data Encryption at Rest

Date: 25th of March, 2023

Time: 11 AM IST

The most important key takeaways are:

What is Data-at-rest Encryption ?

Data at rest means all inactive data stored on disk. …

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How to Connect to MySQL Remotely with SSH PuTTY Tunnels: A Step-by-Step Guide

In this article, we'll give a brief overview of SSH protocol and tunnel, as well as explore how to connect to a MySQL server remotely using the SSH tunnel created with the help of PuTTY, a popular Windows SSH client.

The post How to Connect to MySQL Remotely with SSH PuTTY Tunnels: A Step-by-Step Guide appeared first on Devart Blog.

Power Up Your MySQL Queries: How ChatGPT Can Help You Retrieve MySQL Data

With clear examples and explanations, the article demonstrates how ChatGPT can simplify and streamline the process of creating complex MySQL queries, making it easier for users to interact with databases and retrieve the data they need.

The post Power Up Your MySQL Queries: How ChatGPT Can Help You Retrieve MySQL Data appeared first on Devart Blog.

Substring in MySQL – Syntax and Examples

In this article, we are going to talk about the MySQL SUBSTRING() function with its variations. Here, you will find a detailed guide with the basic syntax and examples of how to use this function. Moreover, we will demonstrate the benefits of MySQL coding in a handy IDE - dbForge Studio for MySQL that can help you save a lot of time and energy.

The post Substring in MySQL – Syntax and Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

pt-online-schema-change resulted in missing MySQL triggers ?

Recently, while doing a test process to examine resource usage and the time required to alter the table using pt-osc, it leads to a loss of triggers even though the –preserve-triggers option is specified. I made the decision to recreate the identical circumstance so that everyone could see it.

Test environment : 

OS: Amazon Linux 2

MySQL version: 5.7.40

pt-online-schema-change version: 3.1.0

Before digging deeper, we must first obtain the whole picture. Here is an illustration of the table’s structure.

Table structure:

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MySQL ORDER BY Clause: Syntax and 13 Examples

In MySQL, the ORDER BY clause is used to sort the records fetched by the SELECT statement, in ascending or descending order. And while the usage of this command is simple in basic cases, there are more complex scenarios requiring much more attention. This article will explore the essence, the syntax, and the usage scenarios […]

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MySQL Variables – Definition and Examples

MySQL variables store data, label data, and let developers create more accurate and efficient code by turning long and complicated strings of characters into one simple variable. This article will explore user-defined variables. User-defined variables let us execute various data sets with one command and use this data whenever needed. Mastering variables in MySQL is […]

The post MySQL Variables – Definition and Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

Best MySQL GUI Clients for Linux in 2022

Linux has a reputation as an operating system for programmers. So, if you are a software developer who designs MySQL-based solutions, chances are high that you will do it on Linux. Thus, it would be great to have a MySQL IDE for Linux to simplify the work. But the question arises: is there an appropriate […]

The post Best MySQL GUI Clients for Linux in 2022 appeared first on Devart Blog.

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