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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL Functions (reset)
MySQL ROUND Function Examples

The upcoming tutorial will focus on the ROUND function, which is used to round numeric values for precision and accuracy. Rounding is vital in databases to avoid discrepancies in calculations, particularly with financial and scientific data. The article will provide practical examples and insights into effectively using the ROUND function for reliable results in dbForge Studio for MySQL.

The post MySQL ROUND Function Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

MySQL DATEDIFF: Function Explanation with Examples

Here, we will explore the ins and outs of MySQL DATEDIFF and its practical applications. We will look deeply into its syntax and provide you with real-world examples to showcase how DATEDIFF can be utilized in different scenarios, such as calculating age, tracking project durations, and more.

The post MySQL DATEDIFF: Function Explanation with Examples appeared first on Devart Blog.

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