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Displaying posts with tag: perl (reset)
Really large NLP corpora

Jeeze people. You’re all noisy. I’m sure it was all done for posterity’s sake.

23M     irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log
29M     irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log
36M     irclogs/freenode/#debian.log
37M     irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log
39M     irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log
43M     irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log
44M     irclogs/freenode/#perl.log

$ for file in irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log irclogs/freenode/#debian.log irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log irclogs/freenode/#perl.log; do echo -n "$file: " ; head -1 $file ; done
irclogs/MagNET/#perl.log: --- Log opened Thu May 26 08:31:32 2011
irclogs/freenode/#mysql.log: --- Log opened Wed Dec 28 09:03:49 2011
irclogs/freenode/#debian.log: --- Log opened Tue Mar 12 12:52:40 2013
irclogs/foonetic/#xkcd.log: --- Log opened Wed Dec 28 19:33:43 2011
irclogs/OFTC/#debian.log: --- Log opened Tue Jul 12 19:25:48 2011
irclogs/freenode/#jquery.log: --- Log opened Tue Jan 31 …
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We're hiring!

Continuent, a leading provider of database clustering and replication software has five (5) new positions open:

Build/Test Engineer Senior Database Availability and Clustering Engineer Senior Database Replication Engineer Data Replication Sales Engineer Clustering and Replication Test Development Engineer

If you want to get in on the ground floor of a growing company in a challenging field

Enhancing pt-kill to Better Protect your Servers

I believe in automation as much as possible, and I'm always working to make the day to day tasks of operations as smooth as possible.  Also I try not to be afraid to take good tools and make them better.

Here in Database Ops at Box, we use pt-kill running as a service to constantly monitor our servers and help protect against long running queries.  But our thresholds are pretty generous, and in some cases it's possible for unforeseen circumstances to cause enough queries to storm the database such that we can have problems before any of them hit the threshold for "busy time."  Ditto for idle connections.

The response is that someone has to be available to manually run another copy of pt-kill with much lower thresholds to clear out these thundering herds.  But what if we could let pt-kill handle both the "normal" mode and still protect us from herds?

That's what we've done by adding a …

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DBD::mysql 4.026 released

Dear Perl and MySQL community,

I’m pleased to announce the release of DBD::mysql 4.026

In this release:

2014-01-15 Patrick Galbraith, Michiel Beijen, DBI/DBD community (4.026)
* t/29warnings.t fails on MySQL Server 5.1.something - Reported by RT91202, Gisle Aas. Now is handled depending on version.
* README.pod misses proper NAME heading - RT90101 - Damyan Ivanov, Debian Perl Group
* Added fix and test for RT91715 (ability to obtain $dbh->{mysql_use_result} value)
* Added feature from Jacob Gelbman (cPanel) mysql_skip_secure_auth

Thanks to everyone who contributed!

For more information:

MySQL Enterprise Monitor – send advisor events to your chat client with Perl and Jabber

MySQL Enterprise Monitor (MEM) is part of the MySQL Enterprise Edition, and MEM provides real-time visibility into the performance and availability of all your MySQL databases. MEM and the MySQL Query Analyzer continuously monitor your databases and alerts you to potential problems before they impact your system. It’s like having a “Virtual DBA Assistant” at your side to recommend best practices to eliminate security vulnerabilities, improve replication, optimize performance and more. As a result, the productivity of your developers, DBAs and System Administrators is improved significantly.

With MEM, you have a couple of notification options for receiving information when MEM has received an event alert. An event alert is a “significant deviation from the baseline performance …

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MySQL MHA and Perl pathing

I am certainly not a knowledgeable Perl person, however I recently ran into the error Can’t locate MHA/ on Red Hat 6.x. I have installed MySQL MHA on various systems before without any issues.

$ masterha_manager -version
Can't locate MHA/ in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 .) at /usr/bin/masterha_manager line 26.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/bin/masterha_manager line 26.

The issue was that MySQL MHA is not installed in any of the acceptable default paths for this disto default installation.

$ find / -type d -name MHA

The fix was simple on this OS, but I expect there is a correct Perl approach?

ln -s …
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Keeping track of database table size changes in MySQL

I don’t know how common is this problem, but it is good to know from time to time about which tables how many storage space needed in certain time. For example, you can catch an amok running software part which writes your database full. Or, – as you will see soo – you can catch up some code what doesn’t work as excepted.

So, lets start at the beginning. You wanna to know how big are your tables, and you need to know how many data gets there day-by-day (or minute-by-minute. or whatever).

You can query information_schema.tables for table sizes, this is good, but you won’t be happy just with these results, because you won’t find any time based changes, so you have to store the data.

So first, we have to create a table to store this historical data:

CREATE TABLE `test`.`table_sizes` (
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Poll: What programming languages and platforms do you use?

What programming languages and platforms do you use for large-scale projects in your organization?

If something is missing from the list please leave a comment and share your story. Thanks!

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post's poll.

The post Poll: What programming languages and platforms do you use? appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

MySQL connections listing

Currently at Kinja we are in a middle of big architectural change on database servers, so I have run into a problem regarding this. Sometimes I have to check current connections on database servers, to see what schemas are in use, what servers using a given db server, or even which users are connected to database server.

Previously when I had to determine connected hosts, I just used a one-liner script in bash, what parsed through the output of netstat and listed the number of connections from given servers like this:

[root@sql-slave1 banyek]# netstat | grep mysql | awk '{print $5}' | awk -F: '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c
      1 app01.bfc.kinja-ops.c
     83 app05.bfc.kinja-ops.c
     84 app09.bfc.kinja-ops.c
      9 dbcacti.bfc.kinja-ops
      1 nagios.bfc.kinja-ops.
      1 sql-master1.bfc.kinja

This was enough to quickly see the connected hosts, but the output wasn’t too chatty, and there are a lot of …

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Scalability Happiness – A Quiet Query Log

Join 7500 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean.

There’s a lot of talk on the web about scalability. Making web applications scale is not easy. The modern web architecture has so many moving parts. How can we grapple with the underlying problem?

Also: Why Are MySQL DBAs So Hard to Find?

The LAMP stack scales well

The truth that is half right. True there are a lot of moving parts, and a lot to setup. The internet stack made up of Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP. LAMP as it’s called, was built to be resilient, dynamic, and scalable. It’s essentially why Amazon works. Why what they’re doing is possible. Windows & .NET …

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