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Displaying posts with tag: dbops (reset)
How Scary is Enabling Semi-Sync Replication?

Semi-sync Replication is a plugin available for mysql which allows you to create more durable replication topologies.  For instance you can ensure that in the event of a master crash that at least one of your replicas has all transaction currently written to the master so that when you promote, you know you're not missing any data.

That's a huge simplification.

What's the downside?  Write speed.  If a transaction on your master have to wait until a replica acknowledges it has that transaction, then there is going to be some delay.  Not only that, but your network latency between the two points matters a lot.  If you want greater durability, the cost is performance.

It's important to note that the master doesn't wait until the replica actually runs the transaction on the …

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The Road to MySQL 5.6: Default Options

When you're testing out a new version of MySQL in a non-production environment there is a temptation to go wild and turn on all kinds of new features.  Especially if you're reading the changelogs or the manual and scanning through options.  You want to start with the most reasonable set of defaults, right?  Maybe you're even doing benchmarks to optimize performance using all the new bells and whistles.

Resist the temptation!  If your goal is to upgrade your production environment then what you really want is to isolate changes.  You want to preform the upgrade with as little to no impact as possible.  Then you can start turning on features or making changes one-by-one.

Why?  Anytime you're doing a major upgrade to something as fundamental as your core RDBMS, there are many ways things can go wrong.  Performance regressions & incompatible changes, client/server incompatibilities …

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Enhancing pt-kill to Better Protect your Servers

I believe in automation as much as possible, and I'm always working to make the day to day tasks of operations as smooth as possible.  Also I try not to be afraid to take good tools and make them better.

Here in Database Ops at Box, we use pt-kill running as a service to constantly monitor our servers and help protect against long running queries.  But our thresholds are pretty generous, and in some cases it's possible for unforeseen circumstances to cause enough queries to storm the database such that we can have problems before any of them hit the threshold for "busy time."  Ditto for idle connections.

The response is that someone has to be available to manually run another copy of pt-kill with much lower thresholds to clear out these thundering herds.  But what if we could let pt-kill handle both the "normal" mode and still protect us from herds?

That's what we've done by adding a …

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