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Displaying posts with tag: Automation (reset)
Archive MySQL Data In Chunks Using Stored Procedure

In a DBA’s day to day activities, we are doing Archive operation on our transnational database servers to improve your queries and control the Disk space. The archive is a most expensive operation since its involved a huge number of Read and Write will be performed. So its mandatory to run the archive queries in …

The post Archive MySQL Data In Chunks Using Stored Procedure appeared first on SQLgossip.

How To design a better Ansible Role for MySQL Environment ?

In our earlier stage of Ansible, we just wrote simple playbook and ad-hoc command with very long ansible hosts file. When we plan to use Ansible extensively in our daily production use case, we understand that simple playbooks don’t help to scale up to our expectation.

Even though we had options for separate variables, handlers and template files according to our requirements, this un-organized way didn’t help. It looked very messy and made me unhappy when I saw the code too.  That’s the place we decided to use Ansible Role.

My understanding of Ansible Roles?

The role is the primary mechanism for breaking a playbook into multiple files, we can simply refer to the Python Package. Roles help to group multiple tasks, Jinja2 template file, variable file and handlers into a clean directory structure. This will help us to reduce the syntax error while developing and also …

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5 core pieces of the Amazon Cloud puzzle to get your project off the ground

One of the most common engagements I do is working with firms in and around the NYC startup sector. I evaluate AWS infrastructures & applications built in the Amazon cloud. Join 32,000 others and follow Sean Hull on twitter @hullsean. I’ve seen some patterns in customers usage of Amazon. Below is a laundry list of … Continue reading 5 core pieces of the Amazon Cloud puzzle to get your project off the ground →

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MMUG14: MySQL Automation at Facebook

English: Madrid MySQL Users Group will be holding their next meeting on Tuesday, 10th November at 19:30h at the offices of Tuenti in Madrid. David Fernández will be offering a presentation “MySQL Automation @ FB”.  If you’re in Madrid and are interested please come along. We have not been able to give much advance notice so if … Continue reading MMUG14: MySQL Automation at Facebook

The post MMUG14: MySQL Automation at Facebook first appeared on Simon J Mudd's Blog.

FrOSCon 10: Private Cloud mit OpenSource

Auf der FrOSCon 10 in St. Augustin habe ich kürzlich ein Update zu unseren Erfahrungen mit dem Thema "Private Cloud mit OpenSource" gegeben. Leider sind noch nicht alle Probleme, über die letztes Jahr berichtet wurde, behoben, aber wir sind schon ein gutes Stück weiter und haben neue Stolperfallen gefunden und z. T. auch überwunden.

Leider habe ich mich mit der Zeit ein wenig getäuscht, da ich den Talk vorher schon einmal in gekürzter Form in 40 Minuten unterbringen musste, aber in der Präsentation den Countdown für die FrOSCon wieder auf 60 Minuten zu stellen vergessen hatte. Zwischenzeitlich war ich deswegen der Meinung, ziemlich hinterherzuhängen... Hoffe, es macht trotzdem ein bisschen Spaß, so blieb am Ende mehr Zeit für Fragen und Gespräche :)

Hier noch die Folien auf Slideshare:

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True KVM Live Migration with OpenStack Icehouse and Ceph based VM storage

Over on the codecentric blog I just published a new post on True KVM Live Migration with OpenStack Icehouse and Ceph based VM storage, outlining the process it took me to get this actually working. There were several issues to work around, some of them bugs in OpenStack, some of them home-grown issues.

I provide a few patches to OpenStack classes as well as a description of what is actually going wrong and how to circumvent the problems. So head right over and have fun reading :)

Chef Cookbooks for ClusterControl - Management and Monitoring for your Database Clusters

If you are automating your infrastructure deployments with Chef, then read on. We are glad to announce the availability of a Chef cookbook for ClusterControl. This cookbook replaces previous cookbooks we released for ClusterControl and Galera Cluster. For those using Puppet, please have a look at our Puppet module for ClusterControl.


ClusterControl Cookbook on Chef Supermarket

The ClusterControl cookbook is available on Chef Supermarket, and getting the cookbook is as easy as:

$ knife cookbook site download clustercontrol

This cookbook supports the installation of ClusterControl on top of existing database clusters:

  • Galera Cluster
    • MySQL Galera Cluster by Codership
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New Webinar: A DevOps Guide to Database Infrastructure Automation for eCommerce

For an online shop, the website is the cash register. It has to be open for business 24 hours a day.

As the ops person on duty, when you get a call at 3am after your website went down, your priority number one is to restore the service asap. But why can we not have our application stack automatically recover, and not have the pager wake us at all? Why do we still stick to tedious manual processes, which take up time and resources, and hinder future growth?

Infrastructure automation isn’t easy, but it’s not rocket science either, says Riaan Nolan. Riaan has been in operations for the past decade, and has built over a dozen eCommerce properties. Automation is a worthwhile investment for retailers serious about eCommerce, but deciding on which tools to invest in can be a confusing and overwhelming process.

Join us for this webinar to understand the key pain points that online retailers experience which indicate it’s time …

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Galera Cluster for MySQL vs MySQL (NDB) Cluster: A High Level Comparison - Webinar Replay & Slides


Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in last week’s webinar on 'Galera Cluster for MySQL vs MySQL (NDB) Cluster: A High Level Comparison'. If you missed the sessions or would like to watch the webinar again & browse through the slides, they are now available online.


In this webinar, Severalnines VP of Products, Alex Yu, who was part of the team at Ericsson who originally developed the NDB storage engine in 2001, gave an overview of the two clustering architectures and discussed their respective strengths and weaknesses: 

  1. MySQL Cluster architecture: strengths and limitations
  2. Galera Architecture: strengths and limitations
  3. Deployment scenarios
  4. Data migration
  5. Read and write workloads (Optimistic/pessimistic locking)
  6. WAN/Geographical replication
  7. Schema changes
  8. Management and monitoring …
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9 DevOps Tips for Going in Production with Galera Cluster for MySQL - Webinar Replay & Slides

November 14, 2014 By Severalnines

Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in this week's webinar on '9 DevOps Tips for Going in Production with Galera Cluster for MySQL'. If you missed the sessions or would like to watch the webinar again & browse through the slides, they are now available online.


In this webinar, Severalnines CTO Johan Andersson discussed 9 key aspects to consider before taking Galera Cluster for MySQL into production:

  • 101 Sanity Check
  • Operating System
  • Backup Strategies
  • Galera Recovery
  • Query Performance
  • Schema changes
  • Security / Encryption
  • Reporting
  • Protecting from Disasters


Watch the replay 9 DevOps Tips for Going in …

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