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Displaying posts with tag: MaxScale (reset)
Abstracting Binlog Servers and MySQL Master Promotion without Reconfiguring all Slaves

Follow the link above to read my latest article on the Developer Blog.  It is about Binlog Servers and how to promote a slave as the new master without reconfiguring all slaves.

This is also a good opportunity to remind you of my next talks:

I’ll be giving a talk about Binlog

Q&A: High availability when using MySQL in the cloud

Last week I hosted a webinar on using MySQL in the cloud for High Availability (HA) alongside 451 Research analyst Jason Stamper. You can watch the recording and also download the slides (free) here. Just click the “Register” button at the end of that page.

We had several excellent questions and we didn’t have time to get to several of them in the allotted time. I’m posting them here along with the answers. Feel free to ask follow-up questions in the comments below.

Q: Can the TokuDB engine be used in a PXC environment?

A: No, TokuDB cannot currently be used in a PXC environment, the only supported engine in …

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MaxScale: A new tool to solve your MySQL scalability problems

Ever since MySQL replication has existed, people have dreamed of a good solution to automatically split read from write operations, sending the writes to the MySQL master and load balancing the reads over a set of MySQL slaves. While if at first it seems easy to solve, the reality is far more complex.

First, the tool needs to make sure it parses and analyses correctly all the forms of SQL MySQL supports in order to sort writes from reads, something that is not as easy as it seems. Second, it needs to take into account if a session is in a transaction or not.

While in a transaction, the default transaction isolation level in InnoDB, Repeatable-read, and the MVCC framework insure that you’ll get a consistent view for the duration of the transaction. That means all statements executed inside a transaction must run on the master but, when the transaction commits or rollbacks, the following select statements on the session can be again …

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Self-Critic and Slides of my PLMCE Talks

The link to the slides of my talks can be found at the end of this post but first, let me share some thoughts about PLMCE.

Talking with people, I was surprised to be criticized of presenting only the good sides of my solution without giving credit to the good side of the alternative solutions.  More than surprised, I was also a little shocked as I want to be perceived as objective as possible.  Let me try to fix that:

  • I am not a GTID and log-slaves detractor, I am a simplicity lover.
  • I actually like GTIDs and I have some use-cases for them; one of  them is described in the MariaDB Knowledge Base (search for last_gtid in that page).
  • But I think that using GTIDs in the slave protocol is complex and that a …
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MaxScale Binlog Server HOWTO: Install and Configure

Updated 2015-04-25: add the link to the slides of my PLMCE talk and a link to a bug number.

MaxScale 1.1.0 is out and includes the new Binlog Server module.  This is the first post in s series of three.  The two others are about Operations and High Availability.  The links to the 2 other posts are at the end of this page.

In this post, I present how to install and configure MaxScale as a Binlog

MaxScale Binlog Server HOWTO: POC for Master Promotion without Touching any Slave

Note: DO NOT use this procedure in production, this is a proof of concept (POC).  MaxScale 1.1.0 does not yet fully support that procedure and things could go wrong in some situations (see at the end of the post for the details).

In my talk at PLMCE 2015, I presented an architecture to promote a slave as a new master without touching any other slave and I claimed that I tested it.  This HOWTO

MaxScale Binlog Server HOWTO: Operations (including Chaining)

In the Install and Configure HOWTO, we learned how to install and configure a MaxScale Binlog Server.  In this HOWTO, I will present the common operations that you might need to perform when using this software.  Those operations include:

Purging Binary Logs, Chaining Binlog Servers, Saving Binary Log Files in the Non-Default Directory, Downloading Binary Logs other than First, Listing Connected

MMUG11: Talk about binlog servers at Madrid MySQL Users Group meeting on 29th January 2015

Madrid MySQL Users Group will have its next meeting on Thursday, the 29th of January. I will be giving a presentation on the MySQL binlog server and how it can be used to help scale reads and be used for other purposes.  If you have (more than) a few slaves this talk might be interesting … Continue reading MMUG11: Talk about binlog servers at Madrid MySQL Users Group meeting on 29th January 2015

The post MMUG11: Talk about binlog servers at Madrid MySQL Users Group meeting on 29th January 2015 first appeared on Simon J Mudd's Blog.

Spil Games hackday: research MaxScale

Spil Games hackday At Spil Games we organise a monthly hackday (actually the last two Thursday/Friday of the month) where several teams try to hack something in limited amount of time. The only rules for the hackday are: make something cool, keep it simple, document it, learn something and have fun. In general it means time is […]

The post Spil Games hackday: research MaxScale appeared first on Spil Games Engineering.

Moving On

I have a difficult task of making this post interesting, helpful and personal at the same time. I think the main goal is to balance these aspects, and I really appreciate your comments and suggestions that I will add here. For the busy readers who may be put off by the length of this post, here is a very short summary: I spent 4 wonderful years, first as the head of Field Services, then as a CTO, I believe it is now time for a change, so I am leaving SkySQL. I am leaving behind a great company and very good friends, but I am not disappearing completely, and I will continue supporting the work I started and the projects I created with the help of such great people. For many, leaving a company is not easy, and it is extremely difficult if you have contributed to its creation and development since the beginning. Even more difficult is to depart from ideas and projects that you have shaped and …

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