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Displaying posts with tag: MaxScale (reset)
Script to manage MaxScale

MaxScale 1.0 from SkySQL is now in Beta and there are some cool features in it, I guess some adventurous people has already put it into production. There are still some rough edges and stuff to be fixed, but it is clearly close to GA. One thing missing though are something to manage starting and stopping MaxScale in a somewhat controlled way, which is what this blog is all about.

I have developed two simple scripts that should help you manage MaxScale in a reasonable way, but before we go into the actual scripts, there are a few things I need to tell you. To begin with, if you haven't yet downloaded MaxScale 1.0 beta, you can get it from, just go to Resources->MaxScale and to get to the downloads you first need to register (which is free). Here are downloads to rpms and source, but if you are currently looking for a …

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MySQL Slave Scaling and more

Jean-François talks about binlog servers. Take a look here:

MariaDB Replication, MaxScale and the need for a binlog server

IntroductionThis is an introduction to MariaDB Replication and to why we need a binlogs server and what this is. The first part is an introduction to replication basics, and if you know this already, then you want want to skip past the first section or two.
MariaDB ReplicationMySQL and MariaDB has a simple but very effective replication system built into it. The replication system is asynchronous and is based on a pull, instead of a push, system. What this means in short is that the Master keeps track of the DML operations and other things that might change the state of the master database and this is stored in what is called the binlog. The slave on the other hand is responsible for getting the relevant information from the master to keep up to speed. The binlogs consist of a number of files that the master generates, and the traditional way of dealing with slaves is to point them to the master, specifying a starting point in the binlogs …

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MaxScale 1.0-beta is out - Happy Birthday MaxScale!

It was a year ago, on a nice Sunday night of the English Summer (apologies for the oxymoron), that Mark Riddoch came to see me and together we headed to the Vansittart Arms, our local family pub round the corner. A pint of London Pride on one side and a Honey Dew on the other were the perfect add-on to Mark’s MacBook Pro, on which Mark was showing me the 0.1 version of MaxScale. It was the result of the joint efforts of Mark’s team, Massimiliano and Vilho, who had worked hard to bring to life the first version of something that I believe will be a natural addition to clusters of MySQL/Percona/MariaDB servers in the near future.

A year ago, Mark showed me a …

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MariaDB hugged Helsinki

MariaDB Roadshow Helsinki

One could say that MariaDB originates from Finland’s capital Helsinki. In fact so does MySQL. It was in the Helsinki area that MySQL saw daylight. It was here that Monty Widenius laid the ground for MySQL already in the 80’s, maybe even 1979, when he created UNIREG from which parts were reused when he together with the other 2 founders of MySQL released the first version of MySQL in 1995.

Last week, 19 years later, a MariaDB event was held in Helsinki. It was SkySQL that arranged the first in a row of this year’s MariaDB Roadshow events. The agenda included a walkthrough of MariaDB 10.0, some roadmap and MariaDB high availability options, which consisted of MariaDB Galera Cluster and …

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MaxScale 0.7 Feature Highlights

The latest set of updates for MaxScale has just been released, among the highlights of this alpha release are improved Galera support, the introduction of the first phase of the filter API and server maintenance mode.

Galera Support

MaxScale has always supported Galera, at least since the earliest downloadable release, now it has the ability to use Galera in a different way.

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MaxScale 0.7.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.7.0 was recently released (it is the 4th alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The release contains a number of new enhancements as well as 8 bugs fixes.


  1. Galera Support: Enhanced support for Galera cluster to allow Galera to be used as a High Available Cluster with no write contention between the nodes. MaxScale will control access to a Galera Cluster such that one node is designated as the master node to which all write operations will be sent. Read operations will be sent to any of the remaining nodes that are part of the cluster. Should the currently elected master node fail MaxScale will automatically promote one of the remaining nodes to become the new master node.
  2. Multiple Slave Connections: The Read/Write …
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MaxScale 0.6.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.6.0 was recently released (it is the 3rd alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The particular release only contains 2 great additions and 2 important fixes (and note development continues with the 1.0 (GA) features, but these have not been put into this alpha version).

Important Additions:

  1. A feature-complete read/write splitting module, i.e. read and write operations are now balanced in a smarter way to master or slave servers.
  2. New client-based features, such as a version string that provides compatibility with the major connectors, the ability to connect through the root user and the use of the Unix socket when MaxScale is co-located with a client application on the same server.

Important Bug Fixes:

  1. The new parameter …
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MaxScale 0.6

Kudos to the SkySQL Engineering team, who released the 3rd alpha version of MaxScale, a database proxy for MySQL, MariaDB and Percona servers, labeled MaxScale 0.6.
This version comes with two important additions:

  • A feature-complete read/write splitting module, i.e. read and write operations are now balanced in a smarter way to master or slave servers.
  • New client-based features, such as a version string that provides compatibility with the major MariaDB and MySQL connectors, the ability to connect through the root user and the use of the unix socket when MaxScale is co-located with a client application on the same server.

Binaries and source code are “hidden” here:
The project is on GitHub:
Other helpful links are:

  • Bugs …
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MySQL related IRC discussion channels

There are many MySQL related IRC discussion channels as the ecosystem itself grows. I join the following. Are there any that I’m missing?

Freenode (

  • #mysql – main channel for all kinds of end user MySQL related discussions (the noisiest of the lot, naturally)
  • #maria – main channel for all kinds of MariaDB related discussions
  • #webscalesql – for all kinds of WebScaleSQL discussions
  • #percona – main channel for all kinds of Percona related discussions
  • #tokutek – main channel for Tokutek discussions (TokuDB or TokuMX)
  • SkySQL-specific channels: #maxscale and #mariadb-mgr


  • #debian-mysql – for all kinds of Debian MySQL related bits (packaging, bugs, etc.)

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