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Displaying posts with tag: Roadshow (reset)
MariaDB hugged Helsinki

MariaDB Roadshow Helsinki

One could say that MariaDB originates from Finland’s capital Helsinki. In fact so does MySQL. It was in the Helsinki area that MySQL saw daylight. It was here that Monty Widenius laid the ground for MySQL already in the 80’s, maybe even 1979, when he created UNIREG from which parts were reused when he together with the other 2 founders of MySQL released the first version of MySQL in 1995.

Last week, 19 years later, a MariaDB event was held in Helsinki. It was SkySQL that arranged the first in a row of this year’s MariaDB Roadshow events. The agenda included a walkthrough of MariaDB 10.0, some roadmap and MariaDB high availability options, which consisted of MariaDB Galera Cluster and …

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Where to find the reunited Original MySQL Gang in the next few weeks!

SkySQL & Monty Program’s MariaDB Team coming to a city near you!

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More SkySQL Experts Speaking at Percona Live: MySQL Conference & Expo

Stick around one more day for the 2nd Annual MySQL & Cloud Database Solutions Day, hosted by SkySQL and MariaDB

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Sun Nordic Software Roadshow 2009

Two down, one to go! Last week, I went to Gothenburg and Stockholm for the Sun Nordic Software Roadshow. This week, it’s Helsinki coming up.

These roadshows are a set of presentations and form an opportunity to interface with Sun customer and partners, and lots of MySQL users. It’s about MySQL, Glassfish, Open ESB, Open SSO and identity management.

For Gothenburg and Stockholm, the first keynoter was Ola Ahlvarsson. He’s a serial entrepreneur that survived the dot com boom and now makes a comfortable living talking common sense about Internet, and hosting the Scandinavian Interactive Media Event (

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