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Displaying posts with tag: mysql load balancing (reset)
MaxScale 0.7.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.7.0 was recently released (it is the 4th alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The release contains a number of new enhancements as well as 8 bugs fixes.


  1. Galera Support: Enhanced support for Galera cluster to allow Galera to be used as a High Available Cluster with no write contention between the nodes. MaxScale will control access to a Galera Cluster such that one node is designated as the master node to which all write operations will be sent. Read operations will be sent to any of the remaining nodes that are part of the cluster. Should the currently elected master node fail MaxScale will automatically promote one of the remaining nodes to become the new master node.
  2. Multiple Slave Connections: The Read/Write …
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MaxScale 0.6.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.6.0 was recently released (it is the 3rd alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The particular release only contains 2 great additions and 2 important fixes (and note development continues with the 1.0 (GA) features, but these have not been put into this alpha version).

Important Additions:

  1. A feature-complete read/write splitting module, i.e. read and write operations are now balanced in a smarter way to master or slave servers.
  2. New client-based features, such as a version string that provides compatibility with the major connectors, the ability to connect through the root user and the use of the Unix socket when MaxScale is co-located with a client application on the same server.

Important Bug Fixes:

  1. The new parameter …
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MaxScale - We'd Love to Know Your Thoughts

As you've heard, MaxScale was recently released, and we'd love for you to try it out and let us know your thoughts.

Anders Karlsson and Ivan Zoratti have written some excellent posts on downloading and setting it up, so if you're intersted in that, please see their respective posts for quick, detailed instructions.

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MySQL load balancing with mylbhelper

A customer of ours was in this particular situation. They had a very decent hardware load balancer for their webservers with capacity to spare. So they ended up load balancing the mysql instances through the same device and using a piece of software I've written called mylbhelper.

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