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Displaying posts with tag: galera monitor (reset)
MaxScale 0.7.0 Overview and Highlights

MaxScale 0.7.0 was recently released (it is the 4th alpha, with the beta on the near horizon), and is available for download here.

The release contains a number of new enhancements as well as 8 bugs fixes.


  1. Galera Support: Enhanced support for Galera cluster to allow Galera to be used as a High Available Cluster with no write contention between the nodes. MaxScale will control access to a Galera Cluster such that one node is designated as the master node to which all write operations will be sent. Read operations will be sent to any of the remaining nodes that are part of the cluster. Should the currently elected master node fail MaxScale will automatically promote one of the remaining nodes to become the new master node.
  2. Multiple Slave Connections: The Read/Write …
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