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Displaying posts with tag: planet mysql (reset)
Planet for the MySQL Community Graduating from Beta

In May 2020, I published a Planet for the MySQL Community Pluto Beta.  I was satisfied with the result and was considering it done, but I did not invest the time to promote it to release (a non-beta site was running for a few months without being advertised).  I finally came to it, and today I am happy to deprecate the beta and announce the release of Planet for the MySQL Community.&

Planet MySQL Community: Requirements RFC

As indicated in a previous post, I am working on a Planet MySQL Community (this name is not final, see below).  In this post, I want to present what I think the requirements should be for this new aggregator.  This is a Request for Comment (RFC): I do not claim completeness nor perfection, this might (will) evolve, and your remarks are welcome.  A tl&dr is available in the

Planning for the AFTER Planet MySQL (bis)

Oups, my previous post had a forbidden word and did not show-up on Planet MySQL, so retry...

As written in a previous post, the state of Planet MySQL is unhealthy !  I am still aggregated there for now as, before leaving what was the best news-feed for the MySQL Community, we need a replacement.  This post aims at starting a discussion on this replacement.


State of Planet MySQL: unhealthy !

Also, the state of unhealthy (last paragraph below, but this would be too long a title).

I have been complaining for some time about Planet MySQL filtering content that I think it should not.  Shlomi made a courageous decision on this and explained it in his recent post (Pulling his blog out of Planet MySQL aggregator, over community concerns).  I am thinking of doing

MySQL StatsD release 0.1.3

About one and a half years ago we created MySQL StatsD to keep get insights of any MySQL server using a local daemon that frequently queries the MySQL server and pushes its data to StatsD locally. In the past year we have seen the usage of the MySQL StatsD project increase and more and more […]

The post MySQL StatsD release 0.1.3 appeared first on Spil Games Engineering.

Spil Games hackday: research MaxScale

Spil Games hackday At Spil Games we organise a monthly hackday (actually the last two Thursday/Friday of the month) where several teams try to hack something in limited amount of time. The only rules for the hackday are: make something cool, keep it simple, document it, learn something and have fun. In general it means time is […]

The post Spil Games hackday: research MaxScale appeared first on Spil Games Engineering.

MariaDB Galera Cluster 10 is now stable (GA)

A much awaited release from the MariaDB project is now stable (GA) – MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.0.12. This is a complete merge of MariaDB 10.0.12 and Galera Cluster, with additional features and bug fixes. This gives you the entire power of Galera Cluster as well as the benefits of all the MariaDB 10 features

This is the fourth release in the 10.0 Galera Cluster series, and for more changes, please review the …

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MariaDB & MySQL Community Event videos & slides now up

If you couldn’t attend the MariaDB & MySQL Community Event in April 2014, held at the Hilton Santa Clara, fret not as there are slides and videos uploaded for you to watch at your leisure. There is likely to be at least one more community event later this year, so watch the space.

Currently on the page, you’ll find most of the talks with slides and the videos are professionally done – with slide overlays. The audio could be better on some, but for an event that was pulled together by Monty in less than 3 weeks, it’s not too shabby. You can learn What’s new in MariaDB 10, a little more about the SPIDER storage engine, more about the …

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Merging 5.6 test cases and thoughts on feature deprecation in MariaDB 10.0

MariaDB 10 is nearing GA, and it makes sense to make sure that the test suite from MySQL 5.6 is merged into MariaDB 10. Svoj is doing a lot of this work, and then we like to look at features, especially ones that are deprecated upstream. We don’t do that on blogs, but on the maria-developers mailing list.

I bring to your attention: Intermediate status for test cases merge. We see that INSERT DELAYED and SHOW PROFILE for example are deprecated in MySQL 5.6. The only way for feedback to the MySQL team seems to be comments on Morgan’s blog. However with MariaDB, especially with the feedback plugin enabled, we have an additional layer of …

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MariaDB in Google Summer of Code 2014

MariaDB is participating in the Google Summer of Code 2014. Students are encouraged to propose a project before the deadline (this Friday!).

This is our second year participating, and as always we have an ideas page available. We also have a list of things we think are achievable in JIRA – check out our gsoc14 tag.

In 2013, we had three projects, of which two are in MariaDB 10.0: PCRE regular expressions and Roles. The other will be targeted towards MariaDB 10.1. There’s nothing like having GSoC students participate and …

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