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Displaying posts with tag: high-availability (reset)
High availability using MySQL in the cloud

Next Wednesday (June 10) I’ll be co-presenting a webinar on using MySQL in the cloud for High Availability (HA). Joining me will be 451 Research analyst Jason Stamper and together we’ll talk about the realities of HA using MySQL in the cloud and how vendors are responding to changing application requirements with new developments that can enhance your deployment.

We’ll also present a comparison of available solutions along with key best practices you can follow for successfully attaining HA in the cloud with MySQL. The webinar is scheduled for June 10 at 10 a.m. Pacific. Register here.

Together we’ll cover:

  • What do HA MySQL deployments in the cloud look like …
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Test your knowledge: Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) quiz

I often talk with people who are very interested in the features of Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) such as synchronous and parallel replication, multi-node writing and high availability. However some get confused when operating a real PXC cluster because they do not fully realize the implications of these features. So here is a fun way to test your PXC knowledge: try to solve these 12 questions related to PXC! (you will find the answers at the end of the post.)


1. With Galera 3.x, support for MyISAM is experimental. When can we expect to have full MyISAM support?
a. This will never happen as Galera is designed for transactional storage engines.
b. This is planned for Galera 4.0.

2. Why aren’t all workloads a good fit for PXC?
a. Execution plans can change compared to a regular MySQL server, so performance is sometimes not as good as with a regular MySQL server.
b. Large …

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Announcing MySQL Utilities release-1.5.4 GA!

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the general availability (GA) release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for useabilty, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

New Enhancements!

This release represents a stable release of the product. Along with several defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

Improved support for MySQL 5.7 early releases
Improved output for mysqldbcompare
Improved SSL support

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities?

You can download MySQL Utilities 1.5.2 GA from the following link using one of the pre-built installation repositories including a source download.

Where is the Documentation?

You …

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Typical misconceptions on Galera Replication for MySQL

Even if a Galera node looks like a regular MySQL server, the underlying replication mechanism is very different. This implies some changes in the way you have to configure the Galera nodes. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about Galera when using Percona XtraDB Cluster.

Q: Why should I enable binary logging as it is not needed by Galera replication?
Unlike for regular asynchronous MySQL replication, it is true that you don’t need to enable binary logging to use Galera replication. However what if someone runs an accidental DROP TABLE?

In this case, the statement will be replicated immediately on all nodes. Then your main option to recover lost data is to use a backup. But if binary logging is not …

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Optimizing MySQL for Zabbix

This blog post was inspired by my visit at the annual Zabbix Conference in Riga, Latvia this year, where I gave a couple of talks on MySQL and beyond.

It was a two day single-track event with some 200 participants, a number of interesting talks on Zabbix (and related technologies) and really well-organized evening activities. I was amazed how well organized the event was and hope to be invited to speak there next year as well.   (Just in case you’re not sure what Zabbix is, it is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution for networks and applications)

I must secretly confess, it was also the first conference …

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High-Availability at MySQL Central

This year’s MySQL Central at Oracle Open World was an exhilarating experience. In contrast to the previous year’s MySQL Connect events, MySQL have now got their own Central at the main Oracle Open World. In the previous years, we were always short on time and trying to get a lot of sessions into just two days was just to much. This time I could both present sessions, attend sessions by other users, and also to talk to people in the MySQL community: something that I really enjoy and also find very valuable to see where we should be heading.

This year, the “MySQL Fabric Team” representation on MySQL Central was me and Narayanan Venkateswaran, which is heading the sharding solution in MySQL Fabric. Together with the conference, we also released MySQL Fabric 1.5.2 as the GA release of MySQL Fabric 1.5 containing a few new features:

  • Server …
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MySQL ring replication: Why it is a bad option

I’ve recently worked with customers using replication rings with 4+ servers; several servers accepting writes. The idea behind this design is always the same: by having multiple servers, you get high availability and by having multiple writer nodes, you get write scalability. Alas, this is simply not true. Here is why.

High Availability

Having several servers is a necessary condition to have high availability, but it’s far from sufficient. What happens if for instance C suddenly disappears?

  • The replication ring is broken, so updates from A and B will never go to D. D will then quickly become so out-of-date that it’s not going to be usable. But wait! A will no longer receive the updates from B so A …
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Clustering Moodle on Multiple Servers for High Availability and Scalability

August 12, 2014 By Severalnines

Moodle is an open-source e-learning platform (aka Learning Management System) that is widely adopted by educational institutions to create and administer online courses. For larger student bodies and higher volumes of instruction, moodle must be robust enough to serve thousands of learners, administrators, content builders and instructors simultaneously. Availability and scalability are key requirements as moodle becomes a critical application for course providers. In this blog, we will show you how to deploy and cluster moodle/web, database and file-system components on multiple servers to achieve both high availability and scalability. 


We are going to deploy moodle on top of GlusterFS clustered file system and MariaDB Galera Cluster 10. To eliminate any single point of failure, we will use three nodes to serve the application and database while the remaining two are used for …

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New in Percona Replication Manager: Slave resync, Async stop

Percona Replication Manager (PRM) continues to evolve and improve, I want to introduce two new features: Slave resync and Async stop.

Slave resync

This behavior is for regular non-gtid replication.  When a master crashes and is no longer available, how do we make sure all the slaves are in a consistent state. It is easy to find the most up to date slave and promote it to be the new master based on the master execution position, the PRM agent already does that but how do we apply the missing transactions to the other slaves.

In order to solve that problem, I modified a tool originally written by Yelp, that outputs the MD5 sums of the payload (XID boundaries) and the commit positions of a binlog file. It produces an output like:

root@yves-desktop:/home/yves/src/PRM/percona-pacemaker-agents/tools/prm_binlog_parser# ./prm_binlog_parser.static.x86_64 /opt/prm/binlog.000382 | tail -n 5 …
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High Availability with mysqlnd_ms on Percona XtraDB Cluster

This is the second part of my series on High Availability with mysqlnd_ms. In my first post, “Simple MySQL Master HA with mysqlnd_ms,” I showed a simple HA solution using asynchronous MySQL replication. This time we will see how to leverage an all-primary cluster where you can write to all nodes. In this post I used Percona XtraDB Cluster, but you should also be able to do the same with MySQL NDB Cluster or Tungsten Replicator.

To start with, here is the mysqlnd_ms configuration I used:


.  All of these files are available from my Github repository. Below, I have three Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes, …

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