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FOSDEM Reflections / MySQL – MariaDB DevRoom

What a great place for informal interactions, strengthening the network, and hearing the latest news from the grapevine! Last weekend 1.-3. Feb 2019, over 8000 developers met in Brussels for FOSDEM 2019. For the overall atmosphere, take a look at this 1:05 long video by Sofia Ek. MariaDB Foundation was present with six staff people […]

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MySQL 8.0.14 Replication Enhancements

MySQL 8.0.14 is out and it contains some new and very interesting replication enhancements. As always, we are very pleased to share with you the details about the exciting new features in this release.

This blog post will provide you a summary of the features and subsequent blog posts will dive into the mechanics and details of each one.…

Eating our own dog food – Running JIRA on MariaDB

A couple of weeks ago we announced that we were moving from a hosted instance of JIRA to our self hosted instance. The main reason was that we hit 2000 active users in the hosted instance of JIRA and that is the upper limit that it  supports. We obviously wanted to allow more people to […]

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MariaDB itself is NOT affected by the DROWN vulnerability

Recently a serious vulnerability called DROWN was found. The vulnerability exists in systems that support SSLv2. There is flaw in SSLv2 that could be used to decrypt information over newer SSL protocols such as TLS. More information about the DROWN vulnerability with CVE number CVE-2016-0800 can be found here: The DROWN attack Mitre CVE dictionary […]

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What’s new in MariaDB Connector/C 3.0 – Part I: SSL

New SSL alternatives SSL connections in previous versions of MariaDB Connector/C are based on the OpenSSL library. But because of the OpenSSL heartbleed bug, licensing problems and the lack of support for different transport layers, we decided to add support for alternative SSL implementations. That’s why Connector/C 3.0 can use not only OpenSSL, but also […]

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New in MariaDB Connector/C 3.0 – Part I: SSL

New SSL alternatives SSL connections in previous versions of MariaDB Connector/C based on the OpenSSL library. The OpenSSL heartbleed bug, licensing problems and the lack of supporting different transport layers were the main reasons that we decided to offer SSL alternatives. In addition to OpenSSL the following SSL libraries are supported in Connector/C 3.0: GnuTLS […]

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Announcing MySQL Utilities release-1.5.4 GA!

The MySQL Utilities Team is pleased to announce the general availability (GA) release of MySQL Utilities. This release includes a number of improvements for useabilty, stability, and a few enhancements. A complete list of all improvements can be found in our release notes.

New Enhancements!

This release represents a stable release of the product. Along with several defect patches, we also include the following enhancements.

Improved support for MySQL 5.7 early releases
Improved output for mysqldbcompare
Improved SSL support

How Can I Download MySQL Utilities?

You can download MySQL Utilities 1.5.2 GA from the following link using one of the pre-built installation repositories including a source download.

Where is the Documentation?

You …

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MySQL High Availability

Very welcome to the MySQL High Availability blog. In the last year we have increased the effort on developing high availability solutions for MySQL and there is many new things upcoming. We will report about such things on this blog, including new development of MySQL Replication, MySQL Fabric, and other parts of the MySQL software. Enjoy!


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