In this blog post, we’ll look at a solving Sudoku using MySQL 8.0 recursive common table expression.
Vadim was recently having a little Saturday morning fun solving Sudoku using MySQL 8. The whole idea comes from SQLite, where Richard Hipp has come up with some outlandish recursive query examples — WITH clause.
The SQLite query:
WITH RECURSIVE input(sud) AS ( VALUES('53..7....6..195....98....6.8...6...34..8.3..17...2...6.6....28....419..5....8..79') ), digits(z, lp) AS ( VALUES('1', 1) UNION ALL SELECT CAST(lp+1 AS TEXT), lp+1 FROM digits WHERE lp<9 ), x(s, ind) AS ( SELECT sud, instr(sud, '.') FROM input UNION ALL SELECT …[Read more]