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Displaying posts with tag: mysql performance (reset)
WebScaleSQL 5.6.24 is built and ready to test

On Tuesday  Steaphan Greene  announced that all currently-pushed changes have now been rebased onto the newly-released upstream MySQL-5.6.24.

The new branch at this point is available on github.

Our .deb and .rpm builds are available in the PSCE repo as well as being browsable here

Instructions for using the repo are available for Debian …

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Increasing Cloud Database Efficiency – Like Crows in a Closet

In Mo’ Data, Mo’ Problems, we explored the paradox that “Big Data” projects pose to organizations and how Tokutek is taking an innovative approach to solving those problems. In this post, we’re going to talk about another hot topic in IT, “The Cloud,” and how enterprises undertaking Cloud efforts often struggle with idea of “problem trading.” Also, for some reason, databases are just given a pass as traditionally “noisy neighbors” and that there is nothing that can be done about it. Lets take a look at why we disagree.

With the birth of the information age came a coupling of business and IT. Increasingly strategic business projects and objectives were reliant on information infrastructure to provide information storage and retrieval instead of paper and filing cabinets. This was the dawn of the database and what gave rise to companies like Oracle, Sybase and MySQL. With the appearance of true Enterprise Grade …

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WebScaleSQL RPMs available at PSCE repository

Driven by popularity of previous post about Debian/Ubuntu builds of WebScaleSQL and long discussions during FOSDEM conference this weekend, PSCE engineering team decided to put even more effort into.

We would like to introduce:

  • RPM packages available for download
  • RedHat/CentOS repository

Architectures covered:

  • x86 (32-bit)
  • x86_64 (64-bit)

Please note that “WebScaleSQL does not currently maintain compatibility for anything except GNU/Linux x86_64.” (WebScaleSQL FAQ)”

RedHat/CentOS releases:

  • CentOS 6
  • CentOS 7

Packages can be downloaded from …

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WebScaleSQL builds for the MySQL Community

We have been looking at the WebScaleSQL project with great excitement. As with any new enhancements to the MySQL world, we need to test extensively to ensure we can give PSCE customers the best advice possible. Since this project is source only, we decided to add WebScaleSQL builds to our repo, so we could examine the changes being introduced by all the different collaborators.

So what is WebscaleSQL?

WebScaleSQL is a collaboration among engineers from several companies that face the same challenges in deploying MySQL at scale, and seek greater performance from a database technology tailored for their needs.

— WebScaleSQL, Frequently Asked Questions

What makes this project so special, is the level of collaboration between some of the most …

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Mo’ Data, Mo’ Problems

Welcome to blog #2 in a series about the benefits of the Fractal Tree. In this post, I’ll be explaining Big Data, why it poses such a problem and how Tokutek can help. Given the fact that I am a lifelong fan of both Hip-hop and Big Data, the title was a no-brainer and, given the artist, a bit of a pun.

 I am as tired as you of hearing the term “Big Data.” It’s so overused, that it ceases to have specific meaning anymore. You see, data hardly ever starts as “big” or a “problem.” Rather, it starts small and easily manageable, but gradually grows to some unimaginable size and becomes a beast in need of slaying, like the irradiated ant from a sci-fi film, growing to the size of a cruise ship. The nature of tackling such a tough problem means that the initial understanding of the factors involved is, oftentimes, incomplete at best; Catch-22 exemplified. During the course of problem it is …

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Tracking MySQL query history in long running transactions

Long running transactions can be problematic for OLTP workloads, particularly where we would expect most to be completed in less than a second. In some cases a transaction staying open just a few seconds can cause behaviour that is entirely unexpected, with the developers at a loss as to why a transaction remained open. There are a number of ways to find long running transactions, luckily versions of MySQL from 5.6 onwards provide some very insightful instrumentation.

Here we will use the information_schema coupled with the …

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Looking deeper into InnoDB’s problem with many row versions

A few days ago I wrote about MySQL performance implications of InnoDB isolation modes and I touched briefly upon the bizarre performance regression I found with InnoDB handling a large amount of versions for a single row. Today I wanted to look a bit deeper into the problem, which I also filed as a bug.

First I validated in which conditions the problem happens. It seems to happen only in REPEATABLE-READ isolation mode and only in case there is some hot rows which get many row versions during a benchmark run. For example the problem does NOT happen if I run sysbench with “uniform” distribution.

In terms of concurrent selects it also seems to require some very special conditions – you need to have the connection to let some …

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What is stuck in MySQL server?

There are few easy ticks to see what is stuck inside MySQL instance. All these techniques will not give you whole picture, but might help to find queries that block performance. Let’s start from what exactly doing your MySQL server right now.

Which queries are running now?

This will give you an idea what’s running right now so you can find long running queries which slowing down MySQL and/or causing replication lag:

mysql -e "SHOW PROCESSLIST" | grep -v -i "sleep"

It is more convenient than just run “SHOW PROCESSLIST” as it’s hiding all connected threads in “Sleep” state so you’ll get a clean output. Also you can get same output but updating each second:

watch -n1 'mysql -e "SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST" | grep -v -i "Sleep"'

What to look for? This is complex output but you can start with Time and State columns. When you see a query running for more …

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Full table scans and MySQL performance

High season is coming, how do you make sure that MySQL will handle the increased load? Stress tests could help with that, but it’s not a good idea to run them in a production environment. In this case Select_scan, Select_full_join and other MySQL counters could quickly give you an idea of how many queries are not performing well and could cause a performance degradation as the load goes up.

Select_scan from SHOW GLOBAL STATUS indicates how many full table scans were done since last MySQL restart. Scanning the entire table is a resource intensive operation. It also forces MySQL to store unnecessary data in the buffer pool, wasting memory and IO resources.

Full scan of a tiny table would be quite fast so missing indexes could stay invisible until the load rises or the dataset grows up. This could also be the case for developers who work with too small data sets on their dev boxes. To prevent performance issues all newly added …

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MySQL’s INNODB_METRICS table: How much is the overhead?

Starting with MySQL 5.6 there is an INNODB_METRICS table available in INFORMATION_SCHEMA which contains some additional information than provided in the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS output – yet might be more lightweight than PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA.

Too bad INNODB_METRICS was designed during the Oracle-Sun split under MySQL leadership and so it covers only InnoDB counters. I think this would be a great replacement to all counters that are currently provided though SHOW STATUS – it captures more information such as providing MIN/MAX counts for variables as well as providing the type of the counter (whenever it is current or commutative) as well as human readable comment – describing what such counter means.

The examples of data you can get only from the INNODB_METRICS table includes information about InnoDB Page Splits and merging (which can …

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