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Displaying posts with tag: sun (reset)
Backing up with Dar

If you're interested in ways to back up stuff, and haven't tried Dar yet, here's an article on using Dar that I've just published on my personal blog. In short, Dar works very much like Tar, but it's got a built-in feature for slicing up archive files which comes handy when you want to distribute backup files across several media, for example DVDs or hard disks.

Backing up with Dar

If you're interested in ways to back up stuff, and haven't tried Dar yet, here's an article on using Dar that I've just published on my personal blog. In short, Dar works very much like Tar, but it's got a built-in feature for slicing up archive files which comes handy when you want to distribute backup files across several media, for example DVDs or hard disks.

Backing up with Dar

If you're interested in ways to back up stuff, and haven't tried Dar yet, here's an article on using Dar that I've just published on my personal blog. In short, Dar works very much like Tar, but it's got a built-in feature for slicing up archive files which comes handy when you want to distribute backup files across several media, for example DVDs or hard disks.

Leaving Sun: Moving to the other side of the fence

It is always hard to write these type of posts. It has been a busy ten months for me in the MySQL Community Team and sadly, all too soon it seems, the world changes and I find myself moving to the other side of the fence. As of August 14th, I will no longer be with Sun Microsystems.

Okay, before you get any conspiracy theories, the reasons are simple and personal. I am moving on to see what I can do to found my own startup completely unrelated to developing databases though I fully intend to use MySQL in the near future and if possible, all my life. Sometimes in life you get opportunities given to you which are rare and if you don't jump then regret is all you have, and that is something I refuse to live with.

As for MySQL, I am extremely sad to leave some of the coolest, brightest and most fun people in the world (and by this I mean all of the MySQL and Drizzle folks at Sun). I never thought an extrovert like myself …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.08.07

Monty Widenius dissects MySQL’s dual license. Intuit moves to the EPL. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Monty Widenius blogged about the apparent changes to the dual licensing of MySQL.

# Intuit announced that its will be moving from CPL to EPL.

# Matt Asay asked whether Google’s open source advocacy might be a scheme to lower the value of patents.

# Vision Mobile’s Andreas Constantinou explained the differences between open source …

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Open source’s role in lowering the barriers to data warehousing

As well as contributing to the CAOS research practice here at The 451 Group I am also part of the information management team, with a focus on databases, data caching, CEP, and - from the start of this year - data warehousing.

I’ve covered data warehousing before but taking a fresh look at this space in recent months it’s been fascinating to see the variety of technologies and strategies that vendors are applying to the data warehousing problem. It’s also been interesting to compare the role that open source has played in the data warehousing market, compared to the database market.

I’m preparing a major report on the data warehousing sector, for publication in the next couple of months. What follows is a rough outline of the role open source has played in the sector. Any comments or corrections much appreciated:

Unlike other …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.08.04

OIN offers cash for patents. CentOS crisis averted. Microsoft denies GPL violation. And more.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Open Invention Network offered individual inventors cash for patents, and acquired patents from V_Graph.

# The H Open reported that the management problems at CentOS are now resolved.

# Sam Ramji told Network World in detail why Microsoft believes its Linux IC code did not violate the GPL (from 15m 30s).

# Canonical delivered an on-premise version of …

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451 CAOS Links 2009.07.28

Intuit launches open source project. SFLC on Microsoft GPL violation accusations.

Follow 451 CAOS Links live @caostheory on Twitter and
“Tracking the open source news wires, so you don’t have to.”

# Intuit launched open source projects and community to develop apps based on its Intuit Partner Platform, while Savio Rodrigues declared Intuit’s open source play is all business.

# SFLC’s Bradley Kuhn told SDTimes Microsoft was in violation of the GPL.

# MySQL and Memcached-based appliance vendor Schooner Info Tech has raised $20m in Series B funding.

# …

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OSCON: The saga of MySQL

At OSCON in 2006, I followed sessions that discussed how open source companies would fare when big corporations come in. Back then there were only a handful of examples of big companies purchasing small open source companies. Three years later, we've witnessed MySQL AB get swallowed by Sun, only to have Sun be swallowed by Oracle. Now there are more open questions than ever and at least three versions of MySQL that are jockeying to continue the MySQL blood-line. Yesterday I attended talks by two of these groups and I have to wonder how the MySQL game will play itself out over time.

The first talk I attended was: "Drizzle: Status, Principles, and Ecosystem" where a number of Drizzle developers shared their thoughts about this project. …

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MySQL Server binaries: one source to rule them all

If you missed Kaj's announcement in the splashing news commotion at the latest MySQL Conference, then you may be interested to get this information again.

There was a piece of news that should be extremely important for all the users. MySQL server binaries used to be split between Enterprise and Community, and they were released with separate schedules. Not anymore. Starting from April 2009, the MySQL Community and Enterprise editions are built from the same code, and they are released with the same frequency.

There were rumors …

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