Showing entries 21 to 30 of 43917
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Tracking MySQL Query Plans Part I and Rebooting This Blog

Did you ever need to determine the performance of a query over time? One of the problems with database query optimizations is that the underlying data is always churning. Add in an increase in the number of users, expanding server demand use, and other items that impact your query. What was optimized is no longer performing as expected.

MySQL added a JSON format option to the output of the EXPLAIN command quite a while ago. More recently, Oracle added the feature of saving the output into a variable (see and This provides a way to access the data in that variable and plop it into a database. The saved result can be compared to current or other past responses for analysis. 

mysql> explain format=json into @var
       SELECT * from …

[Read more]
MySQL 8.4.3 and 9.1.0: Major Performance Gains Revealed

At Percona, we’ve always prioritized performance, and recent trends in MySQL’s development have been a point of concern for us. In particular, the performance deterioration in the MySQL 8.4.x and 9.y versions caught our attention, as highlighted in Marco Tusa’s insightful blog post, Sakila, Where Are You Going? We’re pleased to report that the latest […]

Monitoring Multi-threaded Replication Lag With Performance Schema

Used to be that replication lag was as simple as Seconds_Behind_Master (renamed to Seconds_Behind_Source). But with multi-threaded replication (MTR) this is no longer the case. It’s time to relearn replication lag monitoring using Performance Schema tables.

MySQL enters a new decade!

For this penultimate article before Christmas, let's announce the 30th anniversary of MySQL!

MySQL Blog Revisited - OCI TypeScript SDK

For the 22nd day of our Advent Calendar of Content, we bring you a summary of all the MySQL Blog posts that demonstrate using the OCI TypeScript SDK

MySQL Shorts Revisited - DBA Goodies

For the 21st day of our Advent Calendar of Content, we bring you a summary of all the MySQL Shorts that are focussed on topics that would interest DBAs.

MySQL Transaction ERROR 1412 and Isolation Levels

This blog post explains the cause of “ERROR 1412 (HY000): Table definition has changed, please retry transaction” with the specific Isolation level settings. Background As per the MySQL documentation, this error should occur for “operations that make a temporary copy of the original table and delete the original table when the temporary copy is built.” […]

MySQL Retrospective - ISAM & MySAM Log

Let's stay a bit longer with MySQL 3.2x to advance the MySQL Retrospective in anticipation of the 30th Anniversary.

MySQL Retrospective – ISAM & MyISAM Log

Let’s stay a bit longer with MySQL 3.2x to advance the MySQL Retrospective in anticipation of the 30th Anniversary. The idea of this article was suggested to me by Daniël van Eeden. Did you know that in the early days, and therefore still in MySQL 3.20, MySQL used the ISAM storage format? IBM introduced the […]

Percona XtraBackup 101: Decompress and Decrypt or Decrypt and Decompress?

This blog is not intended to offer anything extraordinary; instead, consider it an anecdote, a lesson, or simply a proper way of doing things without the need to run a test when in doubt. That said, I must emphasize that, as always, testing everything before deploying to production is essential. Let’s dive into the story: […]

Showing entries 21 to 30 of 43917
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