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Displaying posts with tag: Backup (reset)
Percona XtraBackup Point-In-Time Recovery for the Single Database

Recovering to a particular time in the past is called Point-In-Time Recovery (PITR). With PITR you can rollback unwanted DELETE without WHERE clause or any other harmful command.

PITR with Percona XtraBackup is pretty straightforward and perfectly described in the user manual. You need to restore the data from the backup, then apply all binary logs created or updated after the backup was taken, but skip harmful event(s).

However, if your data set is large you may want to recover only the affected database or table. This is possible but you need to be smart when filtering events from the binary log. In this post, I will show how to perform such a partial recovery using Percona XtraBackup, …

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MySQL Backup setup, automation using Holland, mysqldump on Ubuntu

This post will guide you to set up and automate the MySQL logical backups using mysqldump on Ubuntu Linux. We will set-up MySQL backup using mysqldump and automate it with…

The post MySQL Backup setup, automation using Holland, mysqldump on Ubuntu first appeared on Change Is Inevitable.

6 Step MySQL Point-In-Time recovery on AWS RDS

Recently one of our customers ran into an issue, wherein a bad actor(code) from the application had made the wrong update to 16 M records of a critical table in the database, causing the entire production process to go down. The application Team was able to find the bad actor and block it, our Remote DBA was involved in the Data Recovery/Rollback.

Here I would like to discuss possible recovery methods for the above said scenario

Delayed Slave:

A simple and effective way to recover is by using a delayed slave, RDS started supporting this feature from version 5.6.40 and 5.7.22 i.e., you can induce a SQL thread delay-interval for applying the writes to a slave, detailed implementation is covered in our blog here. It’s …

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MySQL NDB Cluster Backup/Restore Challenge

Hey, dolphins! Ready to test your NDB backup and restore skills?

Q1: You have a large database which takes 3 hours to back up. Insert/update/delete traffic will run during the backup. How do you run a backup so that none of the inserts/updates/deletes which are executed after the start of the backup are reflected in the backup files?…

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Setting up Replication with various methods for MySQL 8

In the world of the Databases, one of the most important value that we are all trying to achieve is High Availability. Not to loose our valuable data or in case one server fails to always have another to step in and take control.

So, it is critical to have along with our primary database, other identical instances, the replicas.

On this blog post, we will see the most famous ways to set up our replication.

The post Setting up Replication with various methods for MySQL 8 first appeared on - Diary of a MySQL experts.

Various Backup Compression Methods Using Mysqlpump

Mysqlpump is a client program that was released with MySQL 5.7.8 and is used to perform logical backups in a better way. Mysqlpump supports parallelism and it has the capability of creating compressed output. Pablo already wrote a blog about this utility (The mysqlpump Utility), and in this blog, I am going to explore the available compression techniques in the Mysqlpump utility.


Mysqlpump has three options to perform the compression backup.

–compress: Used to compress all the information sent between client and server.

–compression-algorithm: It was added in MySQL 8.0.18. Used to define the compression algorithm for all incoming connections to the server. (available options: zlib, zstd, uncompressed )

–compress-output: Used to define the …

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Verify MySQL Backups With TwinDB Backup Tool

By Maksym Kryva.

If you don’t verify backups you may safely assume you don’t have them.

It often happens that MySQL backups can be invalid or broken due to a software bug, or some hidden corruption. If you are lucky enough, hours and days will be needed to resurrect a database from a bad backup copy. If you ran out of luck quota, you may lose a lot of data. Hence the importance of data backup verification. Not many companies do backups, and even less verify them. To make the verification problem easier, we have added a verify command to the TwinDB Backup Tool.

What the command does is that it takes a backup copy, restores it, prepares (applies redo logs, fixes permissions and so on) and runs a MySQL instance on it. Then it checks if the recovered database is healthy. You can …

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How to Create a Backup of MySQL Databases Using mysqldump on Ubuntu 20.04

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a backup of MySQL databases on an Ubuntu 20.04 VPS, ...

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The post How to Create a Backup of MySQL Databases Using mysqldump on Ubuntu 20.04 appeared first on RoseHosting.

What’s New in MySQL Shell 8.0.21

The MySQL team is proud to announce the general availability of version 8.0.21 of the MySQL Shell.

MySQL Shell Logical Dump and Load Utilities

A new suite of logical dump utilities was introduced in MySQL Shell 8.0.21.
util.dumpInstance(), util.dumpSchemas() and util.loadDump()

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Percona XtraBackup: Backup and Restore of a Single Table or Database

The backup and restore of a complete database is an extensive exercise. But what if you need to restore just one table which has been mistakenly modified by an incorrect query? Help is at hand with Percona XtraBackup.

For our purpose, we will take a test database having tables created by the sysbench tool. The 8.0 versions of Percona XtraBackup and Percona Server for MySQL have been used in this test.

Restore Single Table

Here we will take the backup of the sbtest2 table and restore it. The initial checksum of the table is given below:

8.0.19>CHECKSUM TABLE sbtest2;
| Table        | Checksum | …
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