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MySQL & macOS Silicon

It’s a problem for my students who purchased the new Apple hardware that uses Apple Silicon because they can’t install a Docker MySQL instance. However, there is Homebrew formula that works on macOS Big Sur and the new Apple silicon. It supports:

  • Intel Silicon: macOS Big Sur, Catalina, and Mojave
  • Apple Silicon: macOS Big Sur

The Homebrew Formula does have conflicts that you may need to avoid. It is a solution for those with the new Apple silicon.

As always, I hope this helps those looking for a solution.

On Innovation. Interview with Scott McNealy

“We made it a point to hire really smart, visionary people and then let them do their work.
I wanted to delegate and let people be in charge of things. My own decision-making process was to decide who got to decide. To make decisions, you have to first outline the problem, and if you hire really great people, they’re going to know more about the problem they’re dealing with than you ever will.”–Scott McNealy

I have interviewed Scott McNealy. Scott is a Silicon Valley pioneer, most famous for co-founding Sun Microsystems in 1982. We talked about Innovation, AI, Big Data, Redis, Curriki and Wayin.


Q1. You co-Founded Sun Microsystems in 1982, and served as CEO and Chairman of the Board for 22 years. What are the main lessons learned in all these years?

Scott …

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Quick start MySQL testing using Docker (on a Mac!)

In this post, we’ll discuss how you can quick start MySQL testing using Docker, specifically in a Mac environment.

Like a lot of people, I’m hearing a lot about Docker and it’s got me curious. The Docker ecosystem seems to be moving quickly, however, and simple “getting started” or “how-to” type articles that are easy to find for well-established technologies seem to be out-of-date or non-existent for Docker. I’ve been playing with Docker on Mac for a bit, but it is definitely a second-class citizen in the Docker world. However, I saw Giuseppe’s blog on the new Docker beta for Mac and decided to try it for myself. These steps work for the beta version on a Mac (and probably Windows), but they should work with …

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Learnings from Swift becoming opensource

Swift is now opensource, and it’s interesting to see Craig Federighi talk about it. This is Apple doing right, considering FaceTime is long overdue to being an open standard. People are nitpicking on Apple’s Open Source tagline, but really, this is akin to nitpicking on Mark Zuckerberg donating 99% of his Facebook stock to his new limited liability corporation charity (key: don’t look a gift horse in the mouth).

Apple has chosen to put …

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‘Woz on your mind?’ Share your questions for Steve Wozniak during his Percona Live keynote!

Here’s your chance to get on stage with Woz! Sort of. Apple co-founder and Silicon Valley icon and philanthropist Steve Wozniak will participate in a moderated Q&A on creativity and innovation April 14 during the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo in Santa Clara, California.

Woz once said that he never intended to change the world. That was the other Steve, Steve Jobs.

“I didn’t want to start this company,” Woz told the Seattle Times of Apple’s beginnings in a 2006 interview. “My goal wasn’t to make a ton of money. It was to build good computers. I only started the company when I realized I could be an engineer forever.”

What would you ask Woz if given the opportunity?

“Woz, what first sparked your interest in engineering?”
“Hey Woz, how did you come up with …

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FoundationDB is acquired by Apple: My thoughts

TechCrunch reported yesterday that Apple has acquired FoundationDB. And while I didn’t see any mention if this news on the FoundationDB website, they do have an announcement saying: “We have made the decision to evolve our company mission and, as of today, we will no longer offer downloads.”

This is an unfortunate development – I have been watching FoundationDB technology for years and was always impressed in terms of its performance and features. I was particularly impressed by their demo at last year’s Percona Live MySQL and Expo. Using their Intel NUC-based Cluster, I remember Ori Herrnstadt showing me how FoundationDB handles single-node …

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One thing that gets tedious in the IT community and Oracle community is the penchant for Windows only solutions. While Microsoft does an excellent job in certain domains, I remain a loyal Apple customer. By the way, you can install Oracle Client software on Mac OS X and run SQL Developer against any Oracle Database server. You can even run MySQL Workbench and MySQL server natively on the Mac OS X platform, which creates a robust development platform and gives you more testing options with the MySQL monitor (the client software).

Notwithstanding, some Windows users appear to malign Apple and the Mac OS X on compatibility, but they don’t understand that it’s a derivative of the Research Unix, through BSD (Berkeley Software …

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Mac OS X: The Love Affair Is Over

Like a lot of developers I started using a MacBook Pro around the time of Tiger.  I instantly loved it:  simple, fast, and virtually no system administration overhead. The genius of OS X was that it never got in the way. You opened the box, pulled out the machine, and got to work. It had a great user interface, excellent  development tools (Eclipse in my case) and the command utilities like ssh, rsync, and bash worked seamlessly with Linux systems.

Well, that was then and this is now. Starting with Lion I began to spend an increasing amount of time fighting OS X instead of getting work done. I'm now using Mavericks and have not seen much improvement, in fact quite the contrary. Here are just a few of the problems after the Lion to Mavericks upgrade:

  • Spotlight indexes destroyed; need 2 days to regenerate
  • AppleMail access to Gmail IMAP  broken
  • Time Machine stuck in …
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iPhone 5 display replacement

The problem

About two weeks ago I noticed my iPhone 5 had a faint, but ugly pink hue in the center of the screen. At first I suspected some software issue, because it looked as if the hue was exactly in the area an iOS7 table view uses for its cells to be displayed (i. e. full screen, but with a few points of inset on the left and right edges). Apparently someone must have left some kind of view with a red-ish color behind the table view that was now shining through, because of all the translucency effects iOS7 comes with.

Turns out though, that this was going on in all kinds of apps, including Instapaper, Pocket, Chrome, Safari Calendar etc. All those certainly would not put any views behind the actual content. Getting more suspicious I showed the problem to several colleagues who all did not see it at first, but once I had pointed it out to them (most visible on a white background) none of them could "unsee" it, …

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Pseudolocalization for Cocoa Apps

Over on the codecentric blog I published an article about localizing iOS and OS X applications called "Pseudolocalization for Cocoa Apps". It is probably the first of a few, because it turned out rather long already.

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