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Displaying posts with tag: kontrollsoft (reset)
Kontrollbase – revision 297 fixes Reporter-CLI “alert_22″ sub-routine

Quick note to let our users know that there was an XML tag closure error on the “alert_22″ subroutine in the “bin/” script. This does not affect the webapp portion of Kontrollbase – only reports generated via the command line reporter script. It is not a fatal error but will cause the XML file to […]

Kontrollkit – new backup script is partition space aware

I’ve been wanting to write a backup script for a while now that does the following: reads the partition information for the directory that you are backing up into and computes the used/available/percentage-available space. Then it reads the total data size from the MySQL tables and ensures that you have enough space on disk (for [...]

Having an issue with a Kontrollbase upgrade?

If you’ve noticed that your recent upgrade did not go as planned and now the application does not load – please check this page: for notes on upgrades between versions. Typically you need to execute a SQL file against the current schema to bring it up to date. If you have any questions please [...]

Kontrollcomm – remote database and system command execution webapp

I’m pleased to announce the first release of Kontrollcomm – “The Server Command Automation Interface” is a web-based application that automates remote command execution on linux and unix based servers. There are three main areas of the application: Hosts, Templates, and Commands. The use is very simple: all of your hosts are setup in the [...]

Kontrollsoft’s uptime checks now managed by Pingdom

Website health checks are a crucial service to an operations team. In addition to in-house monitoring and service state reporting it’s also important, even critical, to have an impartial third party to run checks to test your customer facing services. There are a lot of companies in this arean that would be glad to have [...]

Kontrollbase receives sponsorship from Network Redux

It is a pleasure to announce that Kontrollbase – the MySQL analytics and performance monitoring webapp for MySQL servers – has a new sponsor. Network Redux is located in Portland, Oregon and offers enterprise quality dedicated and managed hosting as well as cloud services. Thomas Brenneke contacted me to discuss his interest in utilizing the [...]

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