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Displaying posts with tag: codeigniter (reset)
Counting with countAll() and countAllResults() in CodeIgniter 4

Getting a count of table or query rows in CodeIgniter 4 is quite easy using either of the Query Builder countAll() or countAllResults() functions. Continue reading to see examples of each…

Do you need to learn MySQL? Just starting and confused about how to query a table and get the data you need? I am creating premium MySQL Beginners content for this specific reason. To help those who want to learn the basics of MySQL but don’t know where to start. Learn more about the premium blog posts as I develop and release them.

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CodeIgniter 4 Query Helper getLastQuery() method – MySQL Prototyping

I’m resharing a post I first published over on my Medium account for interested readers here. As you know, SQL is my passion and sweet spot. But, I also have an affinity for PHP and CodeIgniter. Continue reading and learn how I prototype Query Builder patterns in CodeIgniter 4…


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The Newsletter for PHP and MySQL Developers

CodeIgniter 4 Query Helper methods

I use the CodeIgniter 4 Query Helper, $db->getLastQuery() method a great deal to learn just how Query Builder methods are mapping to the actual SQL …

[Read more] #7 – MySQL Metadata with CodeIgniter 4

After taking the week of Christmas off, – the newsletter for PHP/MySQL developers – is back with a massive issue for you this week to close out the month and the year. In this issue, we are covering MySQL metadata in CodeIgniter 4. Continue reading for more information…


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This deep-dive featured issue is full of PHP/MySQL goodness. We are looking …

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CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder set() function with update()

CodeIgniter 4 Query Builder class has an update() function used to process UPDATE Data Manipulation Language (DML) commands. Using update() as a standalone function call is perfectly valid. However, there is also a set() function used for setting column values as you would with the SET keyword in an SQL UPDATE statement. Used in conjunction with the Query Builder where() function, you can easily UPDATE column values for an individual row or multiple rows. Continue reading for more information…

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Free Medium Series – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL

Generally, most all web applications are going to follow the elements of CRUD: Create, Read, Update, and Delete. CodeIgniter 4 is a powerful PHP web development framework that provides a rapid development environment. The CodeIgniter 4 Models come enriched with built-in CRUD functionality, which is covered in this compilation of Medium posts…

Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay 

Disclaimer: I originally published these articles first over on …

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How to Retrieve MySQL Last Insert ID in CodeIgniter 4

I use CodeIgniter 4 a great deal for learning, personal projects, and application development. In this post, I cover 2 different methods you can use and retrieve the MySQL Last Insert ID value after executing an INSERT statement in CodeIgniter. Continue reading for more information…


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Model Setup

Starting out, I use the CLI Generator feature and create a Model by executing this code in the terminal in the project root:

php spark make:model user --suffix

I have removed much of the …

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Medium Cross-post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Update

In some applications, data may never change. Yet, in others, data changes numerous times in its lifecycle. In SQL the UPDATE command changes existing rows of data. CodeIgniter 4 Models have 2 methods available for update operations: update() and save(). Continue reading and learn more about update()


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CodeIgniter 4 CRUD Series with MySQL

This post is a re-share of an article I originally published on my Medium account and is part 3 in the CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL series. Be sure and …

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Medium Cross-post – CodeIgniter 4 CRUD: Read

Storing data is but one part of many in application development. Once data is stored, interested parties will likely want to see it. This is the Read aspect of CRUD – reading (or viewing) the data. Continue reading and see examples using CodeIgniter 4 built-in Model methods…


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In part 1 of this series, CodeIgniter 4 CRUD with MySQL: Create, I used the Model insert() method to store new rows of data. Now that the data is present in the table, we want to see that data.

There are 2 built-in Model …

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Medium Cross-post: CodeIgniter 4 CRUD – Create

I’m studying and beginning to use CodeIgniter 4 in ‘real-world‘ projects and want to share what I learn, as I pick up on concepts of the framework. I’m posting a series of CRUD-related posts over on Medium and resharing them here for any readers who are interested…

Are you a Medium member? If so, receive an email notification each time I publish a blog post if you prefer the Medium platform. Not a member? No worries! Use my sign-up link (I will get a commission at no extra cost to you) and join. I really enjoy reading all the great content there and I know you will too!!!

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MySQL Aggregate Query using CodeIgniter’s Query Builder

CodeIgniter’s Query Builder ORM has class methods for nearly any kind of database access/operation you can think of. In this post, I’ll cover some of the available methods for retrieving aggregate-level query results. The examples in this post map out Query Builder method chaining to produce results you would get from a raw MySQL query. Continue reading to see more…

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


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