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Displaying posts with tag: remote (reset)
How to restore directly on a remote machine from the backup stream

MySQL Enterprise Backup has been improved to support single step restore from the latest release 3.9.0. It enables you to restore the backup image to remote machine in single step. However, first you would have to create the backup image in local disk, copy the backup image to remote machine, and then restore in remote machine by running copy-back-and-apply-log command.

This approach has two overheads:     Serial execution: You have to wait for each step to finish before beginning the next (e.g. You must have to wait for backup-to-image operation to finish before beginning copy).     Disk consumption: You might not have enough space on the …

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Usability improvements in Tungsten Replicator 2.0.4

If you love a software product, you should try to improve it, and not be afraid of criticizing it. This principle has guided me with MySQL (where I have submitted many usability bugs, and discussed interface with developers for years), and it proves true for Tungsten Replicator as well. When I started working at Continuent, while I was impressed by the technology, I found the installation procedure and the product logs quite discouraging. I would almost say disturbing. Fortunately, my colleagues have agreed on my usability focus, and we can enjoy some tangible improvements. I have already mentioned the new installation procedure, which requires just one command to install a full master/slave cluster. I would like to show how you can use the new installer to deploy a multiple source …

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Kontrollcomm – remote database and system command execution webapp

I’m pleased to announce the first release of Kontrollcomm – “The Server Command Automation Interface” is a web-based application that automates remote command execution on linux and unix based servers. There are three main areas of the application: Hosts, Templates, and Commands. The use is very simple: all of your hosts are setup in the [...]

Tool of the Day: screen

Only the other day I was talking with someone who does a lot of work on the shell command line, but hadn’t used the GNU screen tool, so I’d better scribble a post about it as I regard it as an absolute must-have for any remote work, for multiple reasons.

First of all, what screen does. You start screen inside a terminal session (local or SSH remote), and then you can create additional sessions though Ctrl-A C. The initial screen is number 0, the next one 1, and so on. You can switch between screens with Ctrl-A # where # is the screen number. This way, you can have multiple things going within a single ssh connection, very handy. But that’s not all!

If you get disconnected (it happens and you reconnect, your screen sessions will still be there, and running too. You can reattach with screen -r. To do a nice disconnect, you can do Ctrl-A D (detach) before …

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Remote replication setup with Gearman and MySQL Sandbox

A few months ago, Brian Aker invited me to have a look at Gearman, saying that I could find interesting combinations with MySQL Proxy. I did not forget, and I kept thinking about interesting ways of using it. The first idea that I managed to apply is not related to Proxy, but to a practical problem that I have been keeping in reserve for years, i.e. installing replication systems from remote, without effort.

After some fiddling around with the alternatives, I convinced myself that Gearman is the way to go. Before I proceed to show what I did, though, perhaps it's useful if I spend a few words about Gearman …

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Remote connections without leaving the mysql shell

You probably know that mysql -h host_or_ip can connect you to a remote host.

But did you know that you can change the host you are connected to from within mysql?

The undocumented (as far as I can tell, in the MySQL manual and in the “help” on the mysql command line) CONNECT statement can help.

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