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Displaying posts with tag: DBD::MaxDB (reset)
Linus on Instantiation and Armadaification

I feel a sense of pride when I think that I was involved in the development and maintenance of what was probably the first piece of software accepted into Debian which then had and still has direct up-stream support from Microsoft. The world is a better place for having Microsoft in it. The first operating system I ever ran on an 08086-based CPU was MS-DOS 2.x. I remember how thrilled I was when we got to see how my friend’s 80286 system ran BBS software that would cause a modem to dial a local system and display the application as if it were running on a local machine. Totally sweet.

When we were living at 6162 NE Middle in the nine-eight 292, we got an 80386 which ran Doom. Yeah, the original one, not the fancy new one with the double barrel shotgun, but it would probably run that one, too. It was also …

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New release of MaxDB:

I’m happy to announce new releases of MaxDB 7.6. The Devs have put a lot of time and energy into this release and it addresses many issues. Take a look through the Change Log for some details.

Grab a copy of the new release here:

© cjcollier for C.J.'s WordPress of studlyness, 2006. | Permalink | No comment

Filed under DBD::MaxDB, …

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