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Displaying posts with tag: youtube (reset)
Video Tutorial on Network Throttling tool provided by Google Chrome Developer tools

Network Throttling tool provided by Google Chrome Developer tools
In this video we will be seeing how this tool helps us to test your application at different network speeds, thus giving us info and insight as to how users having different speeds of internet use our application and the challenges they face and how the performance can be improved and how the application can be made more usable in such cases.

Interesting Videos from the MySQL Conference and Expo

There’s a good number of videos appearing online from the MySQL Conference and Expo that was on last week.

Here’s a short list of interesting things to look at if you weren’t able to make the sessions. Obviously, this is from my view as a Drizzle developer. There were other interesting things, but this list is more focused towards where my Drizzle brain is stimulated.

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2009 MySQL Conference/Camp Videos

It’s been just over three months since the April 2009 MySQL Users Conference and Expo. It took a while for the files to be processed, and then uploaded to, and then I found out that the online streaming was not working properly. So I started playing with things, re-encoding some videos, updating the software, but to no avail.

Just as I was about to give up I got notification that Technocation, Inc. was accepted into YouTube’s not-for-profit program, which allows movies larger than 10 minutes to be uploaded and viewed advertisement-free.

So then I had to upload the videos to YouTube and add descriptions.

So with no *further* delay, here are all the videos from the 2009 MySQL Conference and 2009 MySQL Camp:

The brief description — just the playlists:
Conference …

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The Embedded Reporter in the Half-Marathon

The MySQL Runners Club meets whenever running MySQLers meet. Sun Microsystems GmbH here in Germany also has something similar — and a good week ago, a group of Sunnies teamed up for the 31. Münchner Stadtlauf half marathon. I decided to make myself an embedded reporter, combining Twitter, Flip Mino, YouTube and a bit of surplus electronics and Web 2.0 media.

What’s the result? 37 Tweets, an almost 10 minute YouTube video and, surprisingly, a new personal record (1:44:06).

You’ll see a bit more in the video. Sure, both voice and text are in German — but you’ll get …

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Add YouTube and Polls to Comments

Some of you may have noticed we’ve been experimenting with a new feature in comments here on, namely that you can now embed YouTube videos and PollDaddy polls directly in a comment.

Although shortcodes are great and we’ll continue to support and encourage them for comments the simplest possible interface seemed to be just a URL.

The URL is all you’ll need to include a YouTube video or PollDaddy poll. To try it out copy and paste the permalink for a video or a poll on PollDaddy Answers and put it on its own line in a comment, like enter enter enter enter. You’ll now have a poll embedded in the comment just like this:

View Poll

(By the way, I …

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Artem’s Top 10 Tech Predictions And Ideas For 2009 And Beyond

Everyone and their mother are throwing out their predictions for 2009 nowadays, itâ€s a new fad. Itâ€s like youâ€re not cool anymore if you donâ€t have twitter, a Mac, and a set of random predictions for the next 12 joyous months.

So I decided to throw in a few ideas of my own to be part of the cool crowd again (how much cooler can I be already, you might think, and I wouldnâ€t blame you).


Disclaimer (read it, tough guy)

What this post is:

  • about the future of technology and the Internet, 2009 and beyond.
  • my ideas on what is going to happen or should happen. If they happen to match someone elseâ€s ideas – it doesnâ€t mean I ripped them off, it just means we share the same opinions and theyâ€re more likely to come true.
  • awesome.

What this post is not:

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How To Find Out The Number Of Videos On Youtube

According to Wikipedia, in April 2008, the number of videos on Youtube was 83.4 million (ref: However, the link in the cite note now displays “*†video results 1 – 20 of millions, without showing the real count.

Here's one way I found to get an estimated, but relatively accurate, number of videos on the popular video sharing site Youtube. The idea is simple. Get this feed:* and parse out the number inside the <opensearch:totalresults> tag.

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Chad Hurley at Startup2Startup Dinner

Tonight, I am attending Startup2Startup Dinner on Dave McClure's invitation (Thanks, Dave!). Chad Hurley, CEO and co-founder of YouTube will be speaking at this invitation only event. I will post more updates on my personal blog or you can follow me on Twitter.

MySQL - Sun - Flickr - Fotolog - Wikipedia - Facebook - YouTube Comparison - MySQL Conference Day 2 Keynote

Unfortunately I didn't find any available seats to take notes for this but this morning a very interesting keynote took place. Representatives from 7 large companies mentioned in the title gathered on stage and answered various questions by MySQL's Kaj Arno.

These questions included things like "how many MySQL servers do you have", "how many DBAs", etc. It was a lot of fun, hopefully someone (Sheeri) will edit and post the video soon.

Keith has a nice summary of everything that went on together with the numbers here.

Update: Venu has even better notes here.

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