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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 5.7 (reset)
MySQL on Fedora 27

While updating my class image to Fedora 27, I noticed that it installed the Akonadi Server. The documentation on the Akonadi server lacked some straightforward documentation. It also offered a bundled set of software that limited how to approach MySQL development.

So, I removed all those packages with the following syntax:

dnf remove `rpm -qa | grep akonadi`

After removing those Akonadi packages, I installed the MySQL Community Edition from the Fedora repo with this syntax:

yum install -y community-mysql*

Having installed MySQL Community Edition, I started the service with this command:

sudo service mysql start

Then, I ran the mysql_secure_installation script to secure the installation:


The script set the root user’s password, remove the anonymous user, disallow remote root login, and …

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Fulfilled Tablespace Encryption (TDE) in Percona Cluster

Encryption is a very important form of security and It’s becoming a standard from a compliance perspective to ensure PCI, PII and HIPPA compliances. Encryption needs to be performed for Data at Rest, Data over Wire.

Data At Rest:

  • Until 5.6, To encrypt the MySQL data files, Only disk level encryption possible (Gazzang, Luks)
  • From 5.7.11 MySQL added a feature for tablespace encryption. Which encrypts only the …
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Binlog and Replication Improvements in Percona Server for MySQL

Due to continuous development and improvement, Percona Server for MySQL incorporates a number of improvements related to binary log handling and replication. This results in replication specifics, distinguishing it from MySQL Server.

Temporary tables and mixed logging format Summary of the fix:

As soon as some statement involving temporary tables was met when using a mixed binlog format, MySQL switched to row-based logging for all statements until the end of the session (or until all temporary tables used in the session were dropped). This is inconvenient when you have long-lasting connections, including replication-related ones. Percona Server for MySQL fixes the situation by switching between …

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Online Schema Change for Tables with Triggers.

In this post, We will learn how to handle online schema change if the table has triggers.

In PXC, an alter can be made directly ( TOI ) on tables with less than a 1G ( by default) , but on a 20GB or 200GB table we need some downtime to do ( RSU ).

Pt-osc is a good choice for Percona Cluster/Galera. By default percona toolkit’s pt-online-schema-change will create After “insert / update / delete” triggers for maintaining the sync between the shadow and the original table.

pt-online-schema-change process flow:

Check out the complete slides for effective MySQL administration here

If the tables has triggers already then pt-osc wont work well in …

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ProxySQL Series: MySQL Replication Read-write Split up.

At Mydbops we always thrive to provide the best MySQL Solutions. We are exploring the modern SQL load balancers. We have planned to write a series of blog on ProxySQL.

The first blog in this series is  how to set up ProxySQL for MySQL Replication Topology including Read / Write Split and some background over ProxySQL.

What is ProxySQL ?

  • ProxySQL is a open-source high-performance SQL aware proxy. It runs as a daemon watched by a monitoring process.
  • ProxySQL seats between application and db servers.
  • The daemon accepts incoming traffic from MySQL clients and forwards it to backend MySQL servers.

A few most commonly used features are : …

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More Write Set in MySQL: Group Replication Certification

This is the third post in the series on Write Set in MySQL.  In the first post, we explore how Write Set allows to get better parallel replication in MySQL 8.0.  In the second post, we saw how the MySQL 8.0 improvement is an extension of the work done in MySQL 5.7 to avoid replication delay/lag in Group Replication.  In this post, we will see how Write Set is used in Group Replication to detect

Write Set in MySQL 5.7: Group Replication

In my previous post, I write that Write Set is not only in MySQL 8.0 but also in MySQL 5.7 though a little hidden.  In this post, I describe Write Set in 5.7 and this will bring us in the inner-working of Group Replication.  I am also using this opportunity to explain and show why members of a group can replicate faster than a standard slave.  We will also see the impacts, on Group Replication,

Disabling Multi-Source Replication in MySQL 5.7

Multi-channel replication is one of the  great feature shipped with MySQL 5.7, With allowed the capability of slave to have many masters, having a channel for each master by which they replicate. Each channel id has a unique “channel_name

Multi-Channel Replication

In the above DB Architecture “channel_1, channel_2 and channel_3” represent the channel_name used for replication from different MySQL servers ( Source ). In this blog we are not going see about configuration of multi_source replication, rather we are going to see about rolling back multi-source replication in MySQL. Recently we were working on a client, where we had deployed multi-channel replication replication from two master onto a single slave, sync was happening very fine Then came the situation to break the replication from …

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Overview of the MySQL Server Architecture


Sometimes it can be useful to take a step back and look at the world from a bit larger distance than usual. So in this blog, I will take a look at the high level architecture of MySQL Server.

Info This is meant as a simplified overview and does not include all details. Overview of the MySQL Server Architecture

For the discussion I will be referring to the the following figure that shows some of the features and plugins of MySQL. Orange boxes are available both for the community version and the commercial (enterprise) version, whereas red means the plugin is exclusive for the commercial version. Ellipsoid elements are plugins, …

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MySQL, Percona Server for MySQL and MariaDB Default Configuration Differences

In this blog post, I’ll discuss some of the MySQL and MariaDB default configuration differences, focusing on MySQL 5.7 and MariaDB 10.2. Percona Server for MySQL uses the same defaults as MySQL, so I will not list them separately.

MariaDB Server is a general purpose open source database, created by the founders of MySQL. MariaDB Server (referred to as MariaDB for brevity) has similar roots as Percona Server for MySQL, but is quickly diverging from MySQL compatibility and growing on its own. MariaDB has become the default installation for several operating systems (such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS/Fedora). Changes in the default variables can make a large difference in the out-of-box …

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