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Displaying posts with tag: Linux (reset)
How to create a MySQL Database Server and Database in Azure Cloud

Azure SQL Database is a fully managed platform as a service  (PaaS). Azure handles database management functions such as upgrading, patching, backups, and monitoring and we do not need to worry about these operations. In this article, we will see how to create an SQL database, connect to it, create a table in it and delete it at the end.

Trick to Simulate a Linux Server with less RAM

I created the first draft of this post many years ago.  At that time, I was working with physical servers having 192 GB of RAM or more.  On such systems, doing memory pressure tests with MySQL is complicated.  I used a trick to simulate a Linux server with less RAM (also works with vms, probably not with Kubernetes or containers).  I recently needed the trick again and as I

Read CSV with Python

In 2009, I showed an example of how to use the MySQL LOAD DATA INFILE command. Last year, I updated the details to reset the secure_file-priv privilege to use the LOAD DATA INFILE command, but you can avoid that approach with a simple Python 3 program like the one in this example. You also can use MySQL Shell’s new parallel table import feature, introduced in 8.0.17, as noted in a comment on this blog post.

The example requires creating an avenger table, avenger.csv file, a Python script, run the Python script, and a query that validates the insertion of the avenger.csv file’s data into the avenger table. The complete code in five steps using the sakila demonstration database:

  • Creating the …
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MySQL Query Performance

Working through our chapter on MySQL views, I wrote the query two ways to introduce the idea of SQL tuning. That’s one of the final topics before introducing JSON types.

I gave the students this query based on the Sakila sample database after explaining how to use the EXPLAIN syntax. The query only uses only inner joins, which are generally faster and more efficient than subqueries as a rule of thumb than correlated subqueries.

SELECT AS country_name
,        SUM(p.amount) AS tot_payments
FROM     city c INNER JOIN address a
ON       c.city_id = a.city_id INNER JOIN customer cus
ON       a.address_id = cus.address_id INNER JOIN payment p
ON       cus.customer_id = p.customer_id INNER JOIN country ctry
ON       c.country_id = ctry.country_id

It generated the following tabular explain plan output:

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Faster Load data outfile in MySQL

While exporting the table with MySQL native utility, we don’t have any control on the process, and also there will be no progress update as well on the process completion. So when exporting the larger table will consume high resource utilization and also the disk space usage will also be high.

MySQL shell utility will make the process easier. It will export the table and we can import the data back with a parallel thread and also will provide the current progress status on export/import progress.

util.exportTable() utility was introduced in Shell – 8.0.22 version, will export the data in a controlled manner. We can store the data in either local or Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage bucket as well.

We will see about the compression ratio along with the time taken for native MySQL vs Shell utility

Feature :

  • Compression
  • Progress status
  • Supported output …
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When I went over my example of using the WITH clause to solve how to use a series of literal values in data sets, some students got it right away and some didn’t. The original post showed how to solve a problem where one value in the data set is returned in the SELECT-list and two values are used as the minimum and maximum values with a BETWEEN operator. It used three approaches with literal values:

  • A list of Python dictionaries that require you to filter the return set from the database through a range loop and if statement that mimics a SQL BETWEEN operator.
  • A WITH clause that accepts the literals as bind variables to filter the query results inside the query.
  • A table design that holds the literals values that an analyst might use for reporting.

It was the last example that required elaboration. I explained you might build a web form that uses a table, and the table could allow a …

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MySQL with CTEs

As an example for my class on the usefulness of Common Table Expressions (CTEs), I created three examples with Python. They extend an exercise in Chapter 9 on subqueries from Learning SQL by Alan Beaulieu. All of the examples work with the sakila sample database.

These bullets describe the examples:

  1. Uses local variables and a range for loop and if statement that uses the variables to evaluate and add an element to the derived table (or query result set) from MySQL.
  2. Uses a CTE with substitution variables from the Python program, which eliminates the need to evaluate and add an element to the query result set because the query does that.
  3. Uses a table to hold the variables necessary to evaluate and add the element to the query result set.

This is the first Python program:

# Import the library.
import sys
import …
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How to setup an RDS MySql (Relation Database MySql) instance on AWS

RDS(Relational Database Service) comes under “Database” services of AWS(Amazon Web Services) Cloud. In this article, we will see how to create an RDS MySql Instance, provision and terminate it.

Installing Percona Server for MySQL on Rocky Linux 8

With the CentOS project switching its focus to CentOS Stream, one of the alternatives that aim to function as a downstream build (building and releasing packages after they’re released by Red Hat) is Rocky Linux. This how-to shows how to install Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 on the Rocky Linux distribution.

You can get the information on the distribution release version by checking the /etc/redhat-release file:

[root@rocky ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
Rocky Linux release 8.4 (Green Obsidian)

Installing and Setting up the Percona Server for MySQL 8.0  Repository

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Title Case Anyone?

Sometimes life is too surreal. Like when somebody says, “How do you get title case in an Oracle database?” That’s when you know three things about the individual, while suppressing laughter. They’re not very experienced with SQL, likely lazy, and don’t read the documentation.

I had a little fun with somebody today by taking them down a small rat-hole. “Oh, gosh … ” I said, “… let’s write a function for that.” Here’s the joke function, like:

FUNCTION title_case
  /* Change upper case to title case. */
  RETURN UPPER(SUBSTR(string,1,1)) || LOWER(SUBSTR(string,2,LENGTH(string)));
END title_case;

Then, we tested it with a query from the pseudo dual table:

SELECT title_case('incredible') AS "Proper Name" FROM dual;

It returned:

Proper Name

Then, I said “Oh, that’s not his …

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