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Displaying posts with tag: MySQL 5.7 (reset)
The dark side of super_read_only

There is an interesting feature in MySQL 5.7+: the global variable super_read_only.  MySQL 5.6 and before only had the read_only global variable which is not preventing a user with SUPER privilege to write to the database.  With super_read_only, those users cannot write anymore.  But this feature comes with a surprise.

TL&DR: changing super_read_only to ON also sets read_only to ON and setting

Save Space on MySQL data with Column Compression

                                   Recently, One of our client reached our Remote DBA team with a requirement to reduce the size of the table as it is having many text columns with huge number of records. At preliminary check , I have validated the table size and its row format, as it was  in compressed  format already. 

Later I checked on other possibilities to compress the text columns further, At that time, then I came across per-column compression feature in Percona MySQL server (From 5.7.17-11) which features individual column compression and we were using …

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Flashback Recovery in MariaDB/MySQL Servers

In this blog, we will see how to do a flashback recovery or rolling back the data in MariaDB, MySQL and Percona.

As we know the saying  “All humans make mistakes”, following that in Database environment the data modified accidentally can bring havoc to any organisations.

Recover the lost data

  • The data can be recovered from the latest full backup or incremental backup when data size is huge it could take hours to restore it.
  • From backup of Binlogs.
  • Data can also be recovered from delayed slaves, this case would be helpful when the mistake is found immediately, within the period of delay.

We can use anyone of the above ways or other that can help to recover the lost data, but what really matters is, What is the …

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Solve Query Failures Regarding ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY SQL Mode

“Hey, what’s going on with my applications? I installed a newer version of MySQL. I have queries that perfectly run with the older version and now I have a lot of errors.”

This is a question some customers have asked me after upgrading MySQL. In this article, we’ll see what one of the most frequent causes of this issue is, and how to solve it.

We are talking about this error:

ERROR 1055 (42000): Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause 
and contains nonaggregated column 'test.web_log.user_id' which is not functionally 
dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible 
with sql_mode=only_full_group_by

Have you ever seen it?


As the first thing let me introduce the concept of SQL_MODE.

MySQL can work using different SQL modes that affect the syntax of the queries and validation checks. Based on the configured value of the …

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Easy Execution of Dynamic Queries with the sys Schema


When you write stored procedures in MySQL, you sometimes need to generate queries on the fly, for example as you process the result of another query. This is supported using prepared statements. This blog explores how you can take advantage of the sys schema to simplify the use of dynamic queries.

Executing a query using the sys.execute_prepared_stmt() procedure.

The sys schema includes several stored procedures and functions as well as views to make the database administrator’s life easier. One of these is the

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The Format for Timestamps in MySQL Logs


MySQL changed the timestamp format in the log files in MySQL 5.7. Since then, I have a few times seen questions about the new format, and how to change the time zone that is used. Latest in a comment to my blog about log_slow_extra in 8.0.14, where the question was what T and Z in the timestamp (for example 2019-01-31T07:24:06.100447Z) means. In this blog, I will discuss the timestamp format and show you how you can change the time zone used.

Examples of the timestamps from the MySQL error log when restarting MySQL (click to enlarge).
The MySQL 5.7 Change

In MySQL 5.7 it was decided to make two …

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Monitoring your 5.7 InnoDB cluster status

Recently we had a customer who came to us for help with monitoring their InnoDB cluster setup. They run a 5.7 InnoDB cluster and suffered from a network outage that split up their cluster leaving it with no writeable primaries. As part of their incident followup, they asked us for methods to monitor this cluster.

I had tested before with InnoDB clusters (in both 8.0 and 5.7 variants) and I was confident that we could parse the cluster node “role” (read-write aka primary vs. read-only aka secondary) from the performance_schema tables. As it turned out, this feature is not in 5.7 but only 8.0. However, the docs on this are wrong for 5.7 as these docs suggest that the performance_schema.group_replication_members table would show PRIMARY and SECONDARY role of each cluster node. I have submitted a …

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ProxySQL Series: MySQL InnoDB Cluster balancing ( using config file )

Introduction –

                     At Mydbops we are exploring the latest MySQL technologies . Recently i was worked for one of our client the project. The requirement is setting up a three node InnoDB cluster with 3 node ProxySQL cluster . During my ProxySQL configuration, i discovered that the ProxySQL group replication host groups are not loading from ProxySQL config file . Then i reached the ProxySQL official website and found that they are already have the bug for this issue and provided the fix as well ( BUG #1050 ). The fixed version is ProxySQL 1.4.9 .

                   I just had the interest to write the blog about this behaviour, as …

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Delayed Replication with Amazon RDS

Delayed replication” is one of the important features which were being supported in MySQL from 5.6 for a very long time. This induces an intentional lag in the slave, making it lag by the defined time interval.

For a long time this was not available with the RDS version of MySQL provided by AWS, Recently from the version 5.6.40, 5.722 and later versions this feature is available with all the regions.

I will give a small intro on Amazon RDS, Which is DBAAS provided by Amazon, where you will be given an end-point for all your DB operations and major of admin task of server and DB is taken care by Amazon, To know more you can view our presentation here

In this blog, I will demonstrate, how to have a delayed slave with Amazon RDS for MySQL

Note: If you are …

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GH-OST for MySQL Schema Change.

Schema change is one of the crucial tasks in MySQL with huge tables. Schema change can cause locks.

What is gh-ost?

                         gh-ost is a triggerless online schema change for MySQL by Github Engineering .It produces light workload on the master during the schema changes . We need online schema change to alter a table without downtime (locking) in schema change is the most widely used tool for making changes in the is just an alternative to pt-online schema change.

Why we have to use gh-ost?

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