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Displaying posts with tag: Development (reset)
How To - Convert MySQL Timestamp/Datetime to Unix Timestamp

Background Knowledge

Since MySQL v4.1 timestamp and datetime data types are formatted “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Prior to MySQL v4.1 the timestamp was formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMMSS” and datetime formatted as “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS”. Refer to MySQL Reference Manual for further details.

The Unix timestamp differs from MySQL. Unix’s timestamp is a integer value of seconds since January 1, 1970. For further explanation of Unix timestamps refer to Wikiepedia or


In MySQL you can use Unix_Timestamp() function.

Query Example: SELECT …

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Advanced Bazaar for MySQL developers

Guilhem Bichot has written an excellent article on Advanced Bazaar for MySQL Developers. In addition of showing the most common Bazaar operations for developers, Guilhem shows how to create a new feature and submit it for review to MySQL.

The article is an practical introduction to Bazaar's advanced features. After the basics, magnificently covered by Daniel Fischer a few weeks ago, this article explains how to perform high level development operations with Bazaar.
Bravo Guilhem! …

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Launchpad improvements

Launchpad, the development framework created by Canonical, is under constant development.
If you have never used it, have a look at Jay's getting started and code management articles about it. If you know it already, you may be pleased to know that Launchpad has a …
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Project Kenai: looking at the technology behind it

While Colin beat me in blogging about Project Kenai, I think I can still provide some additional background information about this new project hosting service from Sun.

If you are a maintainer of an Open Source project, you currently have plenty of choice when it comes to getting your project hosted for free. One criterion could be your software configuration management system (SCM) of choice.

Some of the hosting services that I am currently aware of and the choice of SCM they offer include:

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Proprietary, open source systems management get closer

CA and IBM, two of the so-called Big Four in systems management software, announced this week a federated configuration management database (CMDB) system for interoperability of their software. Something like this comoing from two of Big Four (BMC, CA, HP and IBM) wouldn’t normally hold much meaning for open source players such as GroundWork, Hyperic and Zenoss, but it actually does for a couple of reasons.

First, part of the technology that CA and IBM are using to link up their systems management software, which allows it to share information between the two CMDBs, is actually open source software itself from the Eclipse Cosmos Project. CA and IBM said the Eclipse Cosmos software accelerated implementation of the CMDB Federation (CMDBf) specification and the two vendors plan to contribute code …

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Code Me In!

If you are security conscious and nowadays who isn’t?, you may have pondered over ways to make your external SSH connection safer.
Of course there’s always One-time Passwords and Public Keys, but if like me you watch the daily barrage of brute force attacks you may be thinking it’s only a matter of time…

That’s what I was thinking at about the same time an SMS arrived on my mobile….then it hit me….I take my mobile everywhere, if only my server could call me and ask if it is really me trying to log in.

My first instinct was to try and insert a Perl or Python script into the login process. After all …

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New database layer in Drupal 7 to support replication, PDO and SQLite

One of the sessions at DrupalCon I attended was Larry Garfield's talk about "Drupal Databases: The Next Generation", which gave me a good insight into the current state of the Drupal database layer and how they plan to overhaul it for Drupal 7. The key points that I took away:

  • A new API based on PDO
  • Object-oriented, requiring PHP5
  • Support for using prepared statements
  • A unified access API
  • A query builder
  • More support for other database systems (currently Drupal supports MySQL and PostgreSQL only). In particular, they are …
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Is MySQL-partitioning useful for very big real-life-problems?

Some months ago I helped out in another project in which they had some performance problems. They had a very big table and the index of the table was bigger than the table itself. As every change in the table causes MySQL to recalculate/reload the index, this can take some seconds for such big tables.
So, I thought it would be a good idea to split that big table into very small ones. This should reduce the overhead of reloading big indices and instead reload only very small parts. And the next thought was: Is it possible to use the "new" MySQL-Partitioning for that?
Continue reading "Is MySQL-partitioning useful for very big real-life-problems?"

The key to accessing your data: MySQL Connectors and bindings for various languages

Being able to use an Open Source DBMS to manage your data is nice, but what good would it be if you can't easily access it from your applications? One key factor to the popularity of MySQL is probably its wide range of available language bindings, which started with support for C, PHP and Perl from early on.

I've tried to gather a list of languages and their respective MySQL drivers/modules below. It's by no means complete or exhaustive, but I think I covered quite a lot of popular as well as exotic programming languages.

There is a number of connectors which are actually developed by the Sun Database Group (aka MySQL) itself and that are ready to use:

  • Connector/ODBC - Standardized database driver Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Unix platforms.
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Recent additions to my openSUSE Build Service repository

I recently added two new packages to my repository on the openSUSE Build Service:

  • Maatkit is a collection of essential command-line utilities for MySQL. Each is completely stand-alone, without dependencies other than core Perl and the DBI drivers needed to connect to MySQL, and doesn't need to be "installed" - you can just execute the scripts. This makes the tools easy to use on systems where you can't install anything extra, such as customer sites or ISPs.
  • protobuf - Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format. Protocol Buffers are a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google uses Protocol …
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