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Displaying posts with tag: Development (reset)
Bounces-handler Released

Today I’ve managed to finish initial version of our bounces-handler package we use for mailing-related stuff in Scribd.

Bounces-handler package is a simple set of scripts to automatically process email bounces and ISP‘s feedback loops emails, maintain your mailing blacklists and a Rails plugin to use those blacklists in your RoR applications.

This piece of software has been developed as a part of more global work on mailing quality improvement in, but it was one of the most critical steps after setting up reverse DNS records, DKIM and SPF.

The package itself consists of two parts:

  • Perl scripts to process incoming email:
    • bounces processor — could be …
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Thoughts about OSS project hosting and the importance of controlling downloads

In a recent article, Matt Asay was musing about the aspects of hosting an Open Source project by yourself vs. using a public project hosting service like SourceForge, GitHub or Launchpad. He concluded that it's important for commercial/sponsored open source projects in particular to do the hosting by themselves, so they can maintain full control and can gain more insight, which hopefully will turn into more revenue at some point.

However, Matt seems to reduce "hosting" to "providing downloads" only:

Control and visibility. Given the importance of customer conversions, it becomes hugely valuable information to know that it takes, say, eight months on average for someone to buy the "Enterprise" version of …

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Did you spot that [Error]?

If only your database would just tell you that replication had failed or that the disk was full…
Ok some database servers do but MySQL doesn’t (yet). Another excuse to write a script

In my pursuit for total database visibility I have been searching for a tool that would tell me when something went wrong, that would simulate regular usage, and let me know if anything failed. After all SNMP can only probe so far and if your database is secure the last thing you want to do is open up another port on your server.

Don’t get me wrong there are tools out there that do a decent job of monitoring MySQL. MySQL Entperprise Monitor is one such tool. But if you want to look under the hood or add some functionality specific to your environment things start to get …

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MySQL Prompt Bar Charts

You can generate simple bar charts directly from a MySQL prompt that look like this...

| Month | Uptime                | Latency                                       |
| Jan   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | ####################                          |
| Feb   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%   | ##############################                |
| Mar   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%  | #########################################     |
| Apr   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | #####################                         |
| May   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | ###############                               |
| Jun   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%    | ############################################# |
| Jul   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | ################################              |
| Aug   | %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | …
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KDE Konsole Backgrounds and ssh

If you are a GUI-oriented person, you need not read this. But if you are like me, you make heavy use of the console. If you are managing many machines as well as your own Linux workstation, it’s VERY important to know where your console session is.

Too many times in the past I had wanted to bring down my workstation, and would type “shutdown” or “reboot” in the console window, only to find out to my horrors that the console was really a remote session to one of my web servers serving up hundreds of web sites.


Well, that prompted me into developing a solution where I can tell at a glance where I happened to be logged in. This way,  I wouldn’t be in danger of issuing dangerous commands on the wrong server. And if you are working for someone else, it also keeps you from being FIRED!

I use KDE to do my development and …

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Fwd: Scorching hot Startup Needs Scalability Sorcerer and Optimization Freak

Question: Do you think you have what it takes to take a service from a few hundred thousand users to tens of millions of users in 1 year flat? If you do read on and perhaps become the next beloved scalability rockstar of our age.

We are looking for a data charmer. A mysql magician. A code hack. A funny man. A mad man. A passionate man. Or perhaps a woman who does all these things and more.

Here’s what you gotta do:

  • Pro-active and reactive performance analysis, monitoring and general database plumbing of all leaky issues.
  • Work with others on the team to help maintain/improve and support the infrastructure for a high traffic, high growth site
  • Optimize and tune the database day to day
  • Algorithmic bent. Develop algos to quicken search times, response times, find shortest paths between various connections on site.
  • Have solid low level …
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The mylvmbackup source tree has moved to Bazaar/Launchpad

JFYI: today I migrated the mylvmbackup source tree from my local Subversion repository on to a Bazaar repository on

This will hopefully make it easier for contributors to work on the code and share their modifications with others, removing me as the bottleneck for applying and testing patches for new releases. I chose Bazaar primarily because I wanted to get some more hands-on practice with it, now that the MySQL Server source trees have been transferred to it as well (see Kaj's announcement for …

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The MySQL source code has moved!

Even though we had been preparing the migration to Bazaar for a while now, today's announcement kind of caught me by surprise. But I am very happy about this move!

While BitKeeper is an excellent tool and served us well the past eight (!) years, I was quite annoyed when BitMover decided to remove the fully functional free BitKeeper client, which effectively put our development back into a Cathedral: even though our source trees remained accessible via, the crippled bk client was only capable of cloning and pulling new revisions from there - it was not possible for an …

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Database Change Management

Databases are used by many different disciplines, from your DBA to your Developer, right down to the End User. They can also be viewed from many different perspectives…

DBA’s are usually interested in the server configuration, index usage etc. Developers however are often concerned with retrieval methods, datatypes and occasionally stored procedures. One thing is for sure, your database if used effectively will be changing frequently, and with so many people accessing your database do you know what the last change was? Would you know if someone added an index to a table? (would you care… )

Revision Control is often used to track changes to source code and other documents, so why not your …

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Community Statistics for Netbeans Database Usage

"The database support in NetBeans allows users to connect to a database and view and modify the database structure and data. These graphs show which database servers users connect to most often."

Of particular note, besides the large usage of MySQL and Oracle, is the large usage of Java DB (Derby), and the significant PostgreSQL usage.

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