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Displaying posts with tag: Konsole (reset)
KDE Konsole Backgrounds and ssh

If you are a GUI-oriented person, you need not read this. But if you are like me, you make heavy use of the console. If you are managing many machines as well as your own Linux workstation, it’s VERY important to know where your console session is.

Too many times in the past I had wanted to bring down my workstation, and would type “shutdown” or “reboot” in the console window, only to find out to my horrors that the console was really a remote session to one of my web servers serving up hundreds of web sites.


Well, that prompted me into developing a solution where I can tell at a glance where I happened to be logged in. This way,  I wouldn’t be in danger of issuing dangerous commands on the wrong server. And if you are working for someone else, it also keeps you from being FIRED!

I use KDE to do my development and …

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