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Displaying posts with tag: upgrade (reset)
Upgrading MySQL to 8.0.12 with Audit plugin.

As a spin-off from the previous post,, I thought that it would be good to see how well the Audit plugin upgrades to MySQL 8. The big change in auditing is that the tables change from MyISAM to InnoDB, so keep your eyes open.

I’m using the previously used instance in version 5.7.18.


Before we do anything, let’s make sure auditing will be in place when we restart the instance with 8.0.12:

Uncomment the plugin-load & audit-log params we had originally commented out. After all, this is something we should have done in the last post (apologies!):

vi my_audit.cnf:

Restart the 5.7 instance so we upgrade from a rebooted / ‘as real as can be …

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Get the Auditors in: MySQL Enterprise Audit.

Here I have been looking into using the MySQL Enterprise Edition Audit Log plugin for 5.7. We have many options to audit (filters, encryption, compression, Workbench, rotation & purging, viewing the log, etc.) and it’s quite clear cut on what we’re auditing and not when active.

If you’re looking to go deep into the Audit Plugin, as part of the Enterprise Edition, you’ll want to look at the following Support note:

Master Note for MySQL Enterprise Audit Log Plugin (Doc ID 2299419.1)

And if you’re looking for other Audit Plugin examples, I’d recommend Tony Darnell’s blog post:

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How to Automate Minor Version Upgrades for MySQL on RDS

Amazon RDS for MySQL offers the option to automate minor version upgrades using the minor version upgrade policy, a property that lets you decide if Amazon is allowed to perform the upgrades on your behalf. Usually the goal is not to upgrade automatically every RDS instance but to keep up to date automatically non-production deployments. This helps you address engine issues as soon as possible and improve the automation of the deployment process.

If your are using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and you have an instance called test-rds01 it is as simple as changing

[--auto-minor-version-upgrade | --no-auto-minor-version-upgrade]

For example:

aws rds modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier test-rds01 --apply-immediately …
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Upgrading to MySQL 8.0 with Spatial Data

The big change from MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 when it comes to spatial data, is the support for multiple spatial reference systems and geographic computations. This means that the SRIDs of geometries actually have meaning and affect computations. In 5.7 and earlier, however, the SRIDs are ignored, and all computations are Cartesian.…

Detecting Incompatible Use of Spatial Functions before Upgrading to MySQL 8.0

There are many changes to spatial functions in MySQL 8.0:

The first two are failing cases.…

Upgrading Spatial Indexes to MySQL 8.0

MySQL has had spatial indexes for many years, but they have all been Cartesian (X and Y coordinates) indexes. MySQL 8.0 adds support for geographic (latitude-longitude) indexes. In an earlier blog post, I described how the feature works. In this post, we’ll go into the details of how to upgrade from 5.7 to 8.0 if you have spatial indexes.…

Using MySQL 8.0: what to expect

MySQL 8.0 will be GA soon (just my assumption: Oracle doesn't tell me anything about its release plans) and it's time to think about having a look at it.
If this is your first try of MySQL 8, get prepared for several impacting differences from previous versions.

In this article I won't tell you what you can do with MySQL 8: there is plenty of material about this, including in this very blog. I will instead concentrate on differences from previous versions that users need to know if they want to avoid surprises.

Data Directory

Let's start with an observation of the data directory.
After a standard installation, without any additional options, I see the following:

Files that I expected to see

(dir) mysql
(dir) …
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Percona Monitoring and Management 1.5.1 Is Now Available

Percona announces the release of Percona Monitoring and Management 1.5.1. This release contains fixes for bugs found after Percona Monitoring and Management 1.5.0 was released.

Bug fixes

  • PMM-1771: When upgrading PMM to 1.5.0 using Docker commands, PMM System SummaryPMM Add InstancePMM Query Analytics dashboards were not available.
  • PMM-1761: The PMM Query Analytics dashboard did not display the list of hosts correctly.
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Percona Monitoring and Management 1.5.0 Is Now Available

Percona announces the release of Percona Monitoring and Management 1.5.0 on November 28, 2017.

This release focuses on the following features:

  • Enhanced support for MySQL on Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora – Dedicated Amazon Aurora dashboard offers maximum visibility into key database characteristics, eliminating the need for additional monitoring nodes.  We renamed Amazon RDS OS Metrics to Amazon RDS / Aurora MySQL Metrics
  • Simpler configuration – Percona Monitoring and Management now offers easier configuration of key Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora settings via a web interface
  • One-click data collection – One button retrieves vital information on server performance …
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Percona Monitoring and Management 1.4.1 Is Now Available

Percona announces the release of Percona Monitoring and Management 1.4.1 on Thursday, November 2nd, 2017. This release contains fixes to bugs found after Percona Monitoring and Management 1.4.0 was released. It also introduces two important improvements. We replaced the btrfs file system with XFS in AMI and OVF images, and the Prometheus dashboard has been enhanced to offer more information.

For install and upgrade instructions, see Deploying Percona Monitoring and Management.


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