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Displaying posts with tag: filters (reset)
Upgrading MySQL to 8.0.12 with Audit plugin.

As a spin-off from the previous post,, I thought that it would be good to see how well the Audit plugin upgrades to MySQL 8. The big change in auditing is that the tables change from MyISAM to InnoDB, so keep your eyes open.

I’m using the previously used instance in version 5.7.18.


Before we do anything, let’s make sure auditing will be in place when we restart the instance with 8.0.12:

Uncomment the plugin-load & audit-log params we had originally commented out. After all, this is something we should have done in the last post (apologies!):

vi my_audit.cnf:

Restart the 5.7 instance so we upgrade from a rebooted / ‘as real as can be …

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Get the Auditors in: MySQL Enterprise Audit.

Here I have been looking into using the MySQL Enterprise Edition Audit Log plugin for 5.7. We have many options to audit (filters, encryption, compression, Workbench, rotation & purging, viewing the log, etc.) and it’s quite clear cut on what we’re auditing and not when active.

If you’re looking to go deep into the Audit Plugin, as part of the Enterprise Edition, you’ll want to look at the following Support note:

Master Note for MySQL Enterprise Audit Log Plugin (Doc ID 2299419.1)

And if you’re looking for other Audit Plugin examples, I’d recommend Tony Darnell’s blog post:

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Why MySQL introduced a new command 'CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER'

The MySQL@Oracle announced 5.7.3 development milestone release, now available for download at You can find the full list of changes and bug fixes in the 5.7.3 Release Notes. One of the changes which went in this milestone release was MAKE –REPLICATION-* FILTER SETTINGS DYNAMIC. With this work the slave options –replicate-* can be changed dynamically through the new command CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER. These new options allow slave replication filters to be changed while the server is running, without requiring a server stop and restart.
This blog is intended to explain the design decision of choosing a “new command” over “extending the existing SET command”.


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MySQL-5.7.3- Making MySQL Slave Replication Filters Dynamic

In MySQL Replication, users can filter statements either at master (using –binlog-* startup options) or at the slave (using –replicate-* startup options). Prior to MySQL-5.7.3, users could set these filtering rules either through command line parameters or by using my.cnf file. In either case MySQL server must be restarted in order to change the filtering rules. It is not easy to restart MySQL server in real time scenarios (because of downtime issues and also loss of buffer cache resulting in performance problems). It is always helpful having a way to dynamically configure these filtering rules. Particularly in environments where slaves are configured dynamically to replicate certain databases or tables based on load and usage.

In MySQL-5.7.3, a new command “CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER” has been introduced through which users can change the *slave* side replication filters dynamically without the need for restarting the …

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Making MySQL Slave Replication Filters Dynamic

In MySQL Replication, users can filter statements either at master (using --binlog-* startup options) or at the slave (using --replicate-* startup options). Prior to MySQL-5.7.3, users could set these filtering rules either through command line parameters or by using my.cnf file. In either case MySQL server must be restarted in order to change the filtering rules. It is not easy to restart MySQL server in real time scenarios (because of downtime issues and also loss of buffer cache resulting in performance problems). It is always helpful having a way to dynamically configure these filtering rules. Particularly in environments where slaves are configured dynamically to replicate certain databases or tables based on load and usage.

In MySQL-5.7.3, a new command "CHANGE REPLICATION FILTER" has been introduced through which users can change the *slave* side replication filters dynamically without the need for restarting the …

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Tungsten Replicator Filters: A trove of golden secrets unveiled

Since I joined the company in late 2010, I have known that one of the strong points of Tungsten Replicator is its ability of setting filters. The amazing capabilities offered by Tungsten filters cannot be fully grasped unless we explain how stage replication works.

There are several default stages in the replication stream. Every stage has an extraction task and an apply task. The extraction task will get data from the previous step repository and the apply task will save the data to the next repository, which can be either a temporary storage (memory queue, THL file) or the final destination (slave database server). Consider that the architecture allows developers to add stages, and you will appreciate its full power. For every stage, we can insert one or more filter between the two tasks. …

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