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Displaying posts with tag: embedded (reset)
The first day of JavaOne is already over!

In the past Sunday used to be a more relaxing day with ‘just’ some JavaOne activities going on. Sunday used to be a soft day to prepare yourself for an exhausting week. This is now over as JavaOne is expanding; Sunday is now an integral part of the conference. One of the side effect of this extra day is that some activities related to JavaOne and OpenWorld such as MySQL Connect are being push to start a day earlier on Saturday (can you spot the pattern here?).

On the GlassFish front, Sunday was a very busy day! It started at the Moscone Center with the annual GlassFish Community Event where the Java EE 7 and GF 4 roadmaps were presented and discussed. During the event, different GlassFish users such as ZeroTurnaround (the JRebel guys), Grupo RBS and …

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Case Study: Polystar Improves Telecom Networks Performance with Embedded MySQL

Polystar delivers and supports systems that increase the quality, revenue and customer satisfaction of telecommunication services. Headquarted in Sweden, Polystar helps operators worldwide including Telia, Tele2, Telekom Malysia and T-Mobile to monitor their network performance and improve service levels.


  • Deliver complete turnkey solutions to customers integrating a database ensuring high performance at scale, while being very easy to use, manage and optimize.
  • Enable the implementation of distributed architectures including one database per server while maintaining a low Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
  • Avoid growing database complexity as the volume of mobile data to monitor and analyze drastically increases.


  • Evaluation of several databases and selection of MySQL based on its high performance, manageability, and low TCO.
  • The …
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MySQL Embedded Online Forum

Next Tuesday, January 31st, it’s going to be all about MySQL Embedded!

We will be running an Online Forum from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm PT. Oracle’s MySQL Embedded experts will deliver 4 technical sessions addressing “what all ISVs & OEMs should know about embedding MySQL…but often don’t”.

By attending the Online Forum you will learn:

  • Why MySQL is a great embedded database choice for both startups and the largest software, hardware, and appliance vendors in the world, and how its features ensure costs remain low throughout an application's life cycle
  • MySQL installation options that require minimal or zero end-user effort, and how to easily build them into your application
  • How to secure MySQL embedded in applications, appliances, and devices
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MySQL Embedded Online Forum

Next Tuesday, January 31st, it’s going to be all about MySQL Embedded!

We will be running an Online Forum from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm PT. Oracle’s MySQL Embedded experts will deliver 4 technical sessions addressing “what all ISVs & OEMs should know about embedding MySQL…but often don’t”.

By attending the Online Forum you will learn:

  • Why MySQL is a great embedded database choice for both startups and the largest software, hardware, and appliance vendors in the world, and how its features ensure costs remain low throughout an application's life cycle
  • MySQL installation options that require minimal or zero end-user effort, and how to easily build them into your application
  • How to secure MySQL embedded in applications, appliances, and devices
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It's all about embedded (and testing)

In his recent "Test Coverage for your Enterprise Beans" blog post Markus Eisele starts by discussing the differences between the GlassFish Embedded API, the standard EJB 3.1 API, and the Maven GlassFish Plugin. He then goes on to describe his Eclipse + Eclemma plugin + GlassFish Embedded 3.1 + Maven configuration. He also discusses Global JNDI names (new in EJB 3.1) and the use of ANT with cases when you'll need in-place instrumentation of your code for proper code coverage execution.

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It's all about embedded (and testing)

In his recent "Test Coverage for your Enterprise Beans" blog post Markus Eisele starts by discussing the differences between the GlassFish Embedded API, the standard EJB 3.1 API, and the Maven GlassFish Plugin. He then goes on to describe his Eclipse + Eclemma plugin + GlassFish Embedded 3.1 + Maven configuration. He also discusses Global JNDI names (new in EJB 3.1) and the use of ANT with cases when you'll need in-place instrumentation of your code for proper code coverage execution.

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Embedded PBXT is Cool

Martin Scholl (@zeit_geist) has started a new project based on the PBXT storage engine: EPBXT - Embedded PBXT! In his first blog he describes how you can easily build the latest version: Building Embedded PBXT from bzr.

The interesting thing about this project is that it exposes the "raw" power of the engine. Some basic performance tests show this really is the case.

At the lowest level, PBXT does not impose any format on the data stored in tables and indexes. When running as a MySQL storage engine it uses the MySQL native row and index formats. Theoretically it would be possible to expose this in an embedded API. The work Martin …

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CAOS Theory Podcast 2010.02.19

Topics for this podcast:

*Jacobsen v. Katzer and open source impact
*Intel, Nokia team up for MeeGo open source OS
*Open source continues in embedded space
*MongoDB and the advent of the NoSQL databases
*Copyrights, complexities, control and conflict

iTunes or direct download (21:48, 6.07 MB)

As the GPL fades

We’re continuing to see signs that the dominant GPL open source license may be fading from favor among commercial open source software players. The latest move away from the GPL comes from content management software vendor Alfresco, which is moving to the LGPL after originally releasing its code under the GPL three years ago. The reasoning for the shift, according to Alfresco CEO John Newton, is the company sees greater opportunity beyond being a software application, particularly given the emergence of the Content Management Interoperability Services standard. Alfresco won mostly praise for its move, and it does make sense given where open source is going these days.

I believe the emerging trend away …

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As license issues swirl, a new CAOS report

There has been no shortage of lively discussion on open source software licenses with recent shifts in the top licenses, perspectives on the licenses or lack of them for networked, SaaS and cloud-based software, increased prominence of a Microsoft open source license and concern over the openness (or closedness, depending on your perspedtive) of the latest devices. Amid all of it, we’re pleased to present our latest long-form report, CAOS 12 - The Myth of Open Source …

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