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Displaying posts with tag: Presentations (reset)
Watch for Pythian speakers at upcoming Oracle Technology Days, NoCOUG, OOUG, SQLSaturday & Pythian Australia.

It’s a busy summer at Pythian, with our continuing wave of speaking sessions at upcoming community and regional industry events.

Coming to a city near you, watch for Pythian presenting hot Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server database topics:


Oracle Technology Days – Montreal
August 9, 2011 – 8:30am – 1pm, Hilton Montreal Bonaventure

Oracle Technology Days – Toronto
August 25, …

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Intro to PECL/mysqlnd_ms Presentation Slides

Last week I presented on the super cool PECL/mysqlnd_ms PHP extension at the Minnesota PHP User Group. In short, mysqlmd_ms will provide some transparency for PHP web applications to interact with master and slave MySQL database setups.

Here’s my slide deck:

Intro to PECL/mysqlnd_ms (4/7/2011)

There’s a couple things mysqlnd_ms needs to support before I can use it such as support for single master (i.e. local dev) environments and detection of “dead” MySQL servers so traffic isn’t passed to them over and over again.

Presenting "Real-Life Use Cases From Data Administration Hell" at LAMySQL

If you're in the Los Angeles area on Feb 15, come hear my talk at LAMySQL inspired by learnings from real-life experiences. In addition to hearing a very unique and interesting talk, you can win an AppleTV thanks to awesome folks at @NoodleYard.

Real-Life Use Cases From Data Administration Hell

Data is the most valuable asset of an organization because it's irreplaceable.

Yet, we hear about f**k ups related to data administration every day by startups and organizations of all sizes. Sometimes it's no one's fault. Sometimes it's the fault of a drunk friend who shouldn't have been [wherever he was] at the first place.

Yet, at other times, the disaster could have been prevented. Sometimes, these f**k ups are caused by bad design. Sometimes, it's a bad …

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Pythian at UKOUG Technology and E-Business Suite Conference 2010

Hello Birmingham!

It’s past Sunday midnight and I’m stuck in my room in the last couple hours finishing my slides for my masterclass tomorrow. Turns out that I’m presenting the very first session of the conference at 9am. I wish there is a keynote instead so that I could grab one more hour of sleep (it’s going to be deep into the night back home in Canada). Strange that the keynote was moved to Wednesday — I hope UKOUG has really good reason for that!

My two hours masterclass will start at the same time as Tom Kyte’s a-la keynote session — what a competition. On the other hand, there is no other sessions in server technology so I expect that folks without interest of database development will automatically end up in my session. I’m in Hall 5 – quite large room. Is it the second biggest room after the Hall 1?

I will need to work hard to keep the audience… maybe I shouldn’t plan for any breaks to make …

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OTN MySQL conference slides

2010 has been the first year I have re-presented any of my developed MySQL presentations. Historically I have always created new presentations, however Paul Vallee gave me some valuable advice at UC 2010. In the past two weeks I’ve traveled to seven countries in South America on the OTN LA tour where I have been speaking about and promoting MySQL.

My three current presentations have been improved and even simplified, more future improvements are planned. There is definitely a benefit in repeating a good presentation multiple times.

My SQL Idiosyncrasies That Bite OTN View more …

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Slides from IPC and PHP Barcelona

Recently I gave a few public presentations and started to convert the slides for making them available online. Here's the first bunch with slides from two conferences which were held in October, the International PHP Conference in Germany and PHP Barcelona in Spain. As always: The spoken word is missing on the slides ...

Continue reading "Slides from IPC and PHP Barcelona"

Seeking talks for the MySQL stream at the UKOUG Conference in Birmingham (2010-11-29/2010-12-01)

Similar to events in the US and Germany, another large Oracle User Group organization is preparing for their annual conference and would like to set up a dedicated track of sessions about MySQL – this time it's the British UKOUG  which organizes the Conference Series Technology & E-Business Suite 2010.

This annual user group event will offer a place to share knowledge and hear the latest information from key personnel about product development. This event is a technical event and not a marketing event and we'd like to encourage you to submit a MySQL-related talk!

Some more information about this conference:

  • Dates: Monday 29th November – Wednesday 1st …
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MOW2010 — Slides for Alex Gorbachev’s Sessions

As the the Icelandic volcano ashes are clearing out and we finally have high hopes of flight home, I want to post the slides of the two presentations I did.

My first presentation was a double slot session about Oracle Clusterware internals. Presenting first thing in the morning on the first day is not easy at this event. Miracle Open World traditionally organized as 160% conference with 80% of technical content and 80% of networking and social interactions. Of course, the last 80% go deep into the night. Needless to say that 5am wake up call was tough — I had to craft few more slides to add some 11gR2 information and publish the first production of We Do Not Use TV Studio.

But I felt surprisingly well and fresh. The presentation itself was quite dynamic and all demos worked as planned except pausing OPROCD — 50/50 …

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Videos of Pythian Sessions from the 2010 O’Reilly MySQL Conference and Expo

Here’s a sneak peek at a video matrix — this is all the videos that include Pythian Group employees at the MySQL conference. I hope to have all the rest of the videos processed and uploaded within 24 hours, with a matrix similar to the one below (but of course with many more sessions).

Title Presenter Slides Video link
Details (Conf. site link)
Main Stage
Keynote: Under New Management: Next Steps for the Community Sheeri K. Cabral (Pythian) N/A 18:16
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Gearing Up for MySQLConf 2010

I’m looking forward to traveling to San Jose for this year’s MySQL Conference. If there’s anything that can trump the drama of conf two years ago, where we observed how Sun would handle its new property, and then the drama of last year, where we observed how Oracle would handle the pending acquisition, it’s going to be the drama around this one — the first MySQLConf since the Oracle/Sun merger has been finalized and approved.

I think there is some finality to the changing of the guard this time, since there aren’t really that many companies that could conceivably swallow up Oracle itself! (Maybe I shouldn’t say that — next thing you know they’ll spin it off heh.) But regardless, I am looking forward to getting to know Edward Screven and getting a sense from the keynote and other communications exactly what he’s planning to … DO … with …

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