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Displaying posts with tag: talks (reset)
Percona Live Europe Social

One for the road…

The social events at Percona Live Europe provide the community with more time to catch up with old friends and make new contacts. The formal sessions provided lots of opportunities for exchanging notes, experiences and ideas. Lunches and coffee breaks proved to be busy too. Even so, what’s better than chilling out over a beer or two (we were in Dublin after all) and enjoying the city nightlife in good company?

Percona Live Europe made it easy for us to get together each evening.  A welcome reception (after tutorials) at Sinnott’s Pub in the heart of the City hosted a lively crowd. The Community Dinner at the Mercantile Bar, another lively city center hostelry, was a sell-out. While our closing reception was held at the conference venue, which had proven to be an excellent base. 

Many delegates took the chance to enjoy the best of Dublin’s hospitality late into the night. It’s …

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Slides of my talk on Monitoring MySQL at Scale

The slides of my talk on best practices to monitor large scale MySQL deployments, are now available for download. This slide was presented during Percona Live 2016.

Monitoring MySQL at scale from Ovais Tariq

MySQL streams at upcoming Oracle User Group Conferences in the UK and Germany

November is going to be a busy month for MySQL, conference-wise. There will be two fairly big events, organized by the independent Oracle User Groups in Germany (DOAG) and the UK (UKOUG).

On November 16th-18th, the DOAG Conference & Exhibition 2010 will take place in Nuremberg, Germany. This conference, which has been around for more than 20 years usually attracts a rather large audience -- more than 2000 visitors participated in the 2009 event and were able to listen to more than 300 individual sessions. For the first time, there will be a dedicated stream of presentations related to MySQL, which will be delivered by both Oracle employees as well as members of the MySQL community. You can …

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Slides from IPC and PHP Barcelona

Recently I gave a few public presentations and started to convert the slides for making them available online. Here's the first bunch with slides from two conferences which were held in October, the International PHP Conference in Germany and PHP Barcelona in Spain. As always: The spoken word is missing on the slides ...

Continue reading "Slides from IPC and PHP Barcelona"

Seeking talks for the MySQL stream at the UKOUG Conference in Birmingham (2010-11-29/2010-12-01)

Similar to events in the US and Germany, another large Oracle User Group organization is preparing for their annual conference and would like to set up a dedicated track of sessions about MySQL – this time it's the British UKOUG  which organizes the Conference Series Technology & E-Business Suite 2010.

This annual user group event will offer a place to share knowledge and hear the latest information from key personnel about product development. This event is a technical event and not a marketing event and we'd like to encourage you to submit a MySQL-related talk!

Some more information about this conference:

  • Dates: Monday 29th November – Wednesday 1st …
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Monitoring MySQL

The slides for my Monitoring MySQL talk , which I gave earlier today in an overcrowded MySQl Developersroom at Fosdem are now online, both at my site and at Slideshare

As of now I actually expect people to use those slides for schoolwork or next year in a main Fosdem track :)
As afterall that is the goal of Open Source and spreading the word ..

MySQL Monitoring Shoot Out View more presentations from Kris Buytaert. (tags: mysql

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Introducing WarpTalks

This week we had our first WarpTalks session. Once a month we’ll gather in our meeting room and someone will deliver a talk, workshop or debate about topics considered interesting.

We opened this Monday with two talks. They are in Spanish but you can get the idea.

Introduction to Subversion by Victor Jimenez

Subversion is the RCS we currently use, and the developers know it well enough to do their everyday job, but the not-so technical people at the company have been expecting some training for a while.

Introduccion a Subversion from Jorge Bernal on Vimeo.

10 things you might not know about MySQL by Jorge Bernal (me)

MySQL is the obvious choice when we need a database for our projects, so many of the developers use …

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Talking at FOSDEM (7-8 februari, MySQL Room)


I just got word that the proposals I submitted for FOSDEM are appoved! I was going to go to FOSDEM no matter what, and when I saw Lenz Grimmer's call for participation, I decided to give it a go.

I'll be doing two talks:

  • MySQL Plugins - Learn about this exciting MySQL 5.1 feature
  • Starring Sakila - A datawarhousing and Business Intelligence mini-tutorial using the Sakila sample database

Having the opportunity to do these talks adds to the fun, and I feel honored for being given the chance. Thank you!

This year, Fosdem looks very promising for the MySQL crowd. Lenz himself is …

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Los Angeles Perl Mongers talk

On Tuesday (March 20th) I am doing a talk on "Real World Web Scalability" for the Los Angeles Perl Mongers. The talk isn't specific to Perl at all, so if you are in the area and work with web technologies it's likely it'd be worth a couple of hours of your time. I've been doing variations on this talk for a few years and if I may say so myself it's getting pretty good.

I am giving a tutorial next month with Jay Pipes (oops, I got his name swapped with another Jay in an earlier edition of this post - sorry Jay!) at the MySQL Conference with similar content but where I have 90 minutes for it rather than the usual 45-55. I'm excited about that because it means I'll have time to a) slow down a little bit, b) add more content and c) take questions at the end! …

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Web Performance and Scalability with MySQL Slides

Woo, that was fun! I just finished "my talk": half an hour ago. (update: I've updated the slides to be a page per, uh, page rather than a page per "build")

I got a couple of "that was the {best,most useful} talk at the conference so far!" comments, so that alone made it worth getting up at 5.45am to fly up here!

The slides from the talk are now on the talks page of my new shiny website that Vani put together for me.

I had about 70 slides for 45 minutes (made it in 47!) so it went pretty fast, but I really think that's a lot more fun. I am sitting in the "InnoDB: Designing and Configuring for Best …

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