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Displaying posts with tag: warptalks (reset)
Warptlalk: Testing MySQL cluster with ANSTE

This month we’ll deliver this season’s last warptalk.

Koke and me will repeat our talk from MySQL Users Conference.

  • Title: Testing MySQL cluster with ANSTE
  • Time: 18:00 CEST
  • Place:
  • Updated News: Twitter

Our talks are recorded and uploaded to Vimeo and presentations are available on …

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Introducing WarpTalks

This week we had our first WarpTalks session. Once a month we’ll gather in our meeting room and someone will deliver a talk, workshop or debate about topics considered interesting.

We opened this Monday with two talks. They are in Spanish but you can get the idea.

Introduction to Subversion by Victor Jimenez

Subversion is the RCS we currently use, and the developers know it well enough to do their everyday job, but the not-so technical people at the company have been expecting some training for a while.

Introduccion a Subversion from Jorge Bernal on Vimeo.

10 things you might not know about MySQL by Jorge Bernal (me)

MySQL is the obvious choice when we need a database for our projects, so many of the developers use …

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First Warp Talks

2009 Starts quite interesantly.

This Monday took place the first Warp Talks, a project of training between employees at Warp Networks. The last Monday of the month will take place a new Warp Talk.

koke and me where the first speakers.

I made an introduction to subversion, and he did a talk about 10 things you might not know about MySQL.

Koke took a camera and recorded our talks at the same time they were being broadcasted at Videos are available at vimeo (spanish):

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